Feb 07, 2025  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

School of Education

Dean: Craig Hill, Ed.D.

The School of Education offers undergraduate programs at the initial level and extends preparation at the graduate level in selected fields of teacher education. The teacher preparation programs/major offered at Nazareth College are tied to New York State teacher certification areas. School of Education programs and the other certification programs offered at Nazareth College are innovative and dynamic.

Program/major curricula are determined by internal and external standards, and are presented in a carefully designed sequence allowing for cross-course and cross-program connections. Program faculty members are committed to preparing all teachers to work with diverse groups of students.

The mission of the School of Education is to prepare teachers who are educated in the liberal arts and committed to a life guided by intellectual, moral, and ethical values. To carry out its mission, the School of Education and related education programs at Nazareth College make the following claims:

Teachers prepared at Nazareth College:

  • demonstrate the knowledge to be successful educators;
  • design and implement effective instruction for diverse learners in various settings;
  • reflect critically on their practice and the profession.

Certification Programs
The School of Education supports six undergraduate teacher certification programs and nine program option areas at the graduate level. The six undergraduate programs are as follows: 1) Inclusive Early Childhood/Childhood Education major Four certifications: • Early Childhood education (Birth-Grade 2) • Teaching students with disabilities at the Early Childhood level (Birth-Grade 2) • Childhood Education (Grades 1-6) • Teaching students with disabilities at the Childhood level (Grades 1-6) 2) Inclusive childhood/middle childhood education major Four certifications: • Childhood education grades 1-6 • Teaching students with disabilities at the childhood level, grades 1-6 (These traditionally have been known as elementary education and special education.) • Middle childhood education (grades 5-9) • Teaching students with disabilities at the middle childhood (grades 5-9) (These traditionally have been known as middle school education and special education.) Core content major in the liberal arts (content specialist in middle schools): • Biology • English • History • Languages: French, German, Italian, and Spanish • Mathematics • Other majors in the liberal arts (generalist in middle schools) • American studies • Economics • International studies • Philosophy • Political science • Psychology • Religious studies • Social science • Sociology • Theatre arts 3) Initial certification in adolescence education with an option for certification for students with disabilities, grades 7-12 (traditionally known as secondary education and special education) is available in the following academic subjects: • Biology • Chemistry • English • History (social studies) • Languages: French, German, Italian, and Spanish • Mathematics • Theatre/English. Additional initial certifications are available in the following areas and are supported through different divisions within the college: 4) Speech-language disabilities (birth-12): School of Health and Human Services 5) Art education (birth-12): College of Arts & Sciences 6) Music education (Birth-12): College of Arts & Sciences. Requirements for Admission for adolescence education, art education, inclusive childhood/middle childhood education, music education, and speech-language disabilities, refer to the relevant department.

Students self-select for admittance into teacher certification programs. Students can self-select at any time from their initial application to Nazareth College through their sophomore year. Students need to maintain a minimum 2.7 cumulative GPA to remain in teacher education programs. If a student has a GPA that is lower than 2.7, or if the student has completed fewer than 45 credit hours, he or she is accepted conditionally. In order to move into the student teaching semester, students must have the joint approval of their liberal arts and science department and the School of Education. This approval is obtained through the student teaching application, which is completed in the beginning of the junior year. Approval is based on GPA, content knowledge, and satisfactory progress in the degree program and education programs.

Requirements for New York Initial Teacher Certification
All teacher candidates must successfully complete the following to meet the requirements for New York teacher certification:
• Academic and education program with a GPA of 2.7 or higher
• All education course work with a grade of C or higher
• New York State teacher certification examinations

A minimum of four assessments need to be passed:

  1. Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA);
  2. Educating All Students Test (EAS); and
  3. Academic Literacy Skills Test (ALST); and
  4. Content Specialty Test(s) (CST) (not required for speech language disabilities, initial certification).

See www.naz.edu/dept/edu/certification.cfm for details, suggested timelines for these exams and costs. Other required exams depend on the program being completed (Ex: CST: Students with Disabilities).

Teacher candidates use the NYS TEACH system to apply for Initial certification(s) and need to pay the fees in effect at the time they apply. New York requires all teacher candidates to have fingerprint/background check on file with TEACH and pass all appropriate New York State Teacher Certification Examinations www.nystce.nesinc.com and have the appropriate years of teaching experience.  New York State Education Department maintains a website with certification requirements: http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/.

During a teacher candidate’s final semester, information on the certification application process will be sent via email. Additional support may be obtained by contacting Nazareth College Teacher Certification Office at (585) 389-2592 or by email tcert@naz.edu, or www.naz.edu/dept/edu/certification.cfm.

Department of Adolescence Education

Go to information for this department.

Department of Inclusive Childhood Education

Go to information for this department.

Department of Language, Literacy and Technology

Go to information for this department.

Department of Social and Psychological Foundations of Education

Go to information for this department.

Education Programs under the College of Arts and Sciences

Education Programs under the School of Health and Human Services