Sep 13, 2024  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Introduction to Nazareth



The mission of Nazareth College is to provide a learning community that educates students in the liberal arts, sciences, visual and performing arts, and professional fields, fostering commitment to a life informed by intellectual, ethical, spiritual, and aesthetic values; to develop skills necessary for the pursuit of meaningful careers; and to inspire dedication to the ideal of service to their communities. Nazareth seeks students who want to make a difference in their own world and the world around them, and encourages them to develop the understanding, commitment, and confidence to lead fully informed and actively engaged lives.

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Nazareth College offers more than 60 majors, including education; math and sciences; business and management; visual arts, music, theatre, foreign languages, and other humanities; and a wide array of health and human service programs. Nazareth’s goal is to prepare students not just for one job, but for your life’s work through diverse, high-quality courses and experiences.

Liberal arts courses are about a third of a college student’s investment in time and money, and Nazareth’s approach is to make that part as valuable and rewarding as the classes in your major. The College’s uncommon core curriculum gives you the tools, experience, guidance, and support to be the architect of your education, your career, and your future. This approach also makes Nazareth a good fit for students who are still exploring which major they’ll select, providing a foundation of engaging classes and experiential learning while students also get help from professors, academic advisors, and tools such as assessments to find their path.

All students choose courses across a liberal arts menu to build knowledge, pursue interests, and develop the skills most sought by employers - problem solving, critical thinking, and exceptional communication. Along the way, students learn how to analyze deep questions in different disciplines and then explore a question of their choosing through three courses they select. Nazareth’s general education curriculum requires experiential learning in the form of credit-based internships, co-curricular service, fieldwork, research, or leadership roles. The hands-on experiences directly challenge and reinforce coursework, connect students with career contacts and employers, and/or help students better understand themselves, the broader world, and current issues. Professors help students integrate the full experience, so that you leave college with the knowledge, adaptable skills, and comfort with complexity that you’ll need to be successful in today’s constantly changing world. More about the core:

To obtain a baccalaureate degree, students must earn at least 120 credits and fulfill the general curriculum and major requirements.

Among the Class of 2013, 82% completed a credit-bearing experiential learning opportunity (internship, student teaching, clinical work, fieldwork, or service learning), integrating and applying academic skills to real-world experiences.

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Nazareth has been recognized by The Princeton Review in its “Best 378 Colleges: 2014 Edition,” chosen out of more than 2,000 colleges in recognition of its academic caliber.

U.S. News & World Report ranks Nazareth in the top tier of colleges and universities in the category of Best Regional Universities-North category in its 2013 America’s Best Colleges guide (covering 11 states and the District of Columbia).


Nazareth ranks among the country’s most prestigious colleges and universities for its number of Fulbright scholars. A record-breaking number of six U.S. Junior Fulbright award recipients from Nazareth College placed the institution in the number one spot (in the Master’s Institutions category) of the Chronicle of Higher Education’s Top Producers of U.S. Fulbright Students, 2012-13 list.

Nazareth College was named a Presidential Awardee in the 2013 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll. The distinction is the highest honor a college or university can receive for its commitment to volunteering, service-learning, and civic engagement.

Finance magazine Kiplinger rated Nazareth 89th in its 2012 list of Top 100 Best Value Colleges.

In 2014, 11 Nazareth students who proposed six projects to address public health, education, and the environment were accepted for the Clinton Global Initiative University in Arizona, which assembled about 1,000 student leaders from about 55 colleges and universities to learn, network, and educate.

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Commitment to the Future

Preparing students for a world of rapid change, and for careers yet to be defined, is the focus at Nazareth. College graduates must have relevant knowledge, exceptional critical thinking skills, a global mindset, and work experience. Our new, uncommon core curriculum is student-focused and integrated with students’ career goals. We promote global dexterity through coursework, foreign-language houses, events, a diverse campus community, and dozens of opportunities to travel, study, intern, and experience life overseas. Our College stands out for its number of Fulbright scholars, selected to teach around the world, and for its commitment to developing student leaders through the 2014 Clinton Global Initiative University.

Since fall 2009, Nazareth has invested more than $70 million in campus improvements such as new construction, building renovations, and improved technology. Addressing President Obama’s directive for increasing the number of graduates in the fields of math and science, Nazareth opened the Integrated Center for Math and Science in Peckham Hall in September 2012. Peckham Hall is a 74,000-square-foot, LEED-certified building that houses state-of-the-art labs and classrooms and incorporates environmentally responsible and resource-efficient technologies to support and encourage cross-disciplinary science and math education, student-faculty collaborative research, and student-focused learning. In anticipation of the growing demands for allied health professionals, Nazareth in 2014 and 2015 is expanding and renovating Carroll Hall, doubling the rehabilitation and wellness clinics and collaboration spaces for the Colleges’ wide array of health and human services programs.

Nazareth College’s dynamic learning environment is responsive to the needs of the rapidly changing global workforce. The College will continue to innovate its curriculum and improve its facilities to address these ever-evolving needs.

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Respect and Diversity

It is the policy of Nazareth College not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national or ethnic origin, age, marital or veteran status, disability, carrier status, genetic predisposition, or any other protected status in the admission of students to the College; in any of the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the College; in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other programs administered by the College; or in the employment practices of the College.
Inquiries concerning the application of this policy prescribed by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, may be directed to the director of human resources at Nazareth College, 4245 East Avenue, Rochester, N.Y. 14618, 585-389-2060. The director of human resources has been named to coordinate the responsibilities under Title IX and Section 504.

Statement of Respect and Diversity
We, the Nazareth community, embrace both respect for the person and freedom of speech. The College promotes civility and denounces acts of hatred or intolerance. The free exchange of ideas is possible only when concepts, values, and viewpoints can be expressed and challenged in a manner that is neither threatening nor demeaning. It is the policy of Nazareth College, in keeping with its efforts to foster a community in which the diversity of all members is respected, not to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, sex, age, marital or veteran status, disability, carrier status, genetic predisposition or any other protected status. Respect for the dignity of all peoples is an essential part of the College’s tradition and mission, and its vision for the future.

Sexual Harassment
It is the policy of Nazareth College of Rochester, in keeping with the efforts to establish an environment in which the dignity and worth of all members of the institutional community are respected, that sexual harassment of students and employees is unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment may involve the behavior of a person of either sex against a person of the opposite or same sex, when the behavior falls within the following definition:
Sexual harassment of employees and students at Nazareth College is defined as any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

  • submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment; or
  • submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for employment or other decisions affecting that individual; or
  • such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or educational experience, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or educational environment.

Other Discriminatory Harassment
Harassment or intimidation of another person, limiting another person’s right to equal opportunity, or otherwise denying another person equal treatment because of his or her race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national or ethnic origin, age, marital or veteran status, disability, carrier status, genetic predisposition, or any other protected status is prohibited.

Grievance Procedures for Discrimination and Harassment Complaints
Faculty, staff, and students who want further information or assistance in discussing or filing a complaint of harassment or discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national or ethnic origin, age, marital or veteran status, disability, carrier status, genetic predisposition, or any other protected status should contact any of the Advisors for Concerns of Discrimination and Victimization. Advisors will assist in trying to resolve the problem informally and/or explain the steps of the formal grievance procedure. You may also contact the department of human resources for assistance. 

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Graduation Rate Report (Cohort Survival Survey)*


The most recent IPEDS Graduation Rate Report completed in Spring 2014 indicated that out of 456 full-time, first-time freshmen entering Nazareth in the fall of 2007 (adjusted for allowable exclusions), 310 or 68% graduated from Nazareth College - 268 by 2011; 38 by 2012; 4 by 2013; and 132 students or 29% transferred out. Of the 142 entering transfers in Fall 2007, 112 or 79% graduated from Nazareth College - 107 in 2011; 5 by 2012; 0 by 2013.


* Further information concerning graduation and completion rates is available in the Office of Institutional Research.

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NYS Teacher Certification Exams, Annual Institution Report (2011 -2012)*

Total number of students taking tests: 177/Total number passing 174

Pass rate equals 98%  

Pass rate ATS-W equals 100%

Pass rate LAST equals 100%

* In accordance with Title II of the Higher Education Act, Nazareth College has a report available on our teacher preparation programs which includes information on the pass rate of program graduates on required New York State certification examinations. 2011-2012 data available in July 2013, if you would like more information, please contact the certification office at 585-389-2592.

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Additional Resources

This catalog should be read in conjunction with the following important documents, which provide valuable information regarding student services, student obligations, and course offerings: Handbook on Services for Students with Disabilities (obtained through the office for students with disabilities or the Academic Advisement Center); Undergraduate Student Handbook (obtained through the division of student development).

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