Oct 02, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Chemistry Major with Inclusive Adolescence Education

The Bachelor of Science program in chemistry with inclusive adolescence education prepares students for the initial certification requirements of the New York State Department of Education for Adolescence Education. Students who have completed all baccalaureate requirements with a minimum GPA of 2.7 in each required course of their certification program, who have demonstrated professional competence, and who have successfully completed the New York State teacher certification examinations will be eligible for initial certification.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to

  1. Recognize and apply the fundamental scientific concepts in the core American Chemical Society areas of Chemistry (analytical, biochemistry, inorganic, organic, and physical) that explain chemical behavior at the atomic, molecular, and macroscopic levels.
  2. Conduct scientific inquiry and design experiments using scientific literature.
  3. Safely implement experiments applying appropriate psychomotor skills and techniques.
  4. Draw conclusions based on quantitative, qualitative, or scientific analysis of data/evidence within the context of the methodological design, while recognizing the limits of this data/evidence and analysis.
  5. Evaluate and communicate scientific information through both written and oral forms to scientific and lay audiences.
  6. Apply principles of scientific ethics and academic integrity to ethical issues, inclusion, and respect in science within a diverse, global society.
  7. Recognize how students learn chemistry and apply pedagogical knowledge specific to chemistry teaching and learning. (CHED specific).

Core Curriculum Requirements

All Nazareth students complete Core Curriculum coursework as part of their degree requirements. The Core provides a foundation in the liberal arts and sciences while guiding students to pose and explore their own intellectual questions. See Academic Policies and Procedures  for specific core curriculum requirements. 

Required Courses for Chemistry Majors with Inclusive Adolescence Education

In addition to the 55 credit core listed above, all Chemistry majors with Inclusive Adolescence Education are required to take the following:

Chemistry Senior Experience

These courses seek to integrate the technical aspects of chemistry with the ability to communicate scientific information effectively. To achieve this goal, students are assigned a topic of current scientific interest that combines chemistry with other disciplines in order to answer some fundamental question. Students demonstrate their ability to independently research and communicate their findings in a professional manner to an audience of their peers and faculty.

Required Courses for Inclusive Adolescence Education

See Education: Initial Teacher Certification in Inclusive Adolescence Education   for course requirements.

  • Note - Students who are planning to study abroad and complete the Inclusive Adolescence Education program complete their study abroad semester during the sophomore year.

Sample Program for Chemistry Major with Inclusive Adolescence Education

Fall Semester Spring Semester
ACS 101 Academic and College Success   1 SCI 120 Introduction to Scientific Communication   2
First Year Seminar (FYS)  PEQ (1) 3 CHM 225 Analytical Chemistry /CHM 226L   4
CHM.Q 140 General Chemistry: Molecules, Matter And Mayhem /CHM.Q 140L  PEQ (2) 4 ENGW 102 Argument and Research   3
CHM 155 General Chemistry: Molecules, Matter and Mayhem Workshop    0 MTH 212 Calculus II with Multivariable Calculus   3
ENGW 101 Exposition    3 PEQ (4) 3
MTH.Q 113 Calculus I  PEQ (3) 3    
SCI 090 Laboratory Safety Workshop I   0    
Fall Semester Spring Semester
CHM 251 Organic Chemistry I /CHM 253L    4 CHM 252 Organic Chemistry II /CHM 254L   4
CHM 255 Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) Workshop for Organic Chemistry   0 CHM 255 Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) Workshop for Organic Chemistry   0
PHY.Q 207 Introductory Physics I with Integrated Laboratory /PHY.Q 203L   4 PHY 208 Introductory Physics II With Integrated Lab /PHY 204L   4
PHY 209 Physics 1 Workshop   0 PHY 210 Introductory Physics 2 Workshop    0
PEQ (5) 3 PEQ (7) 3
PEQ (6) 3 PEQ (8) 3
    SPF 204 History and Philosophy of Education   3
Fall Semester Spring Semester
SCI 091 Laboratory Safety Workshop II   0 CHM 245 Inorganic Chemistry  (3 cr.)  or CHM 360 Physical Chemistry /CHM 360L  (5 cr.) 3-5
BCH 421 Biochemistry I   3 LST 301 Language, Literacy, and Culture   3
ADOL 030 Orientation for Professional Semester   0 CHM 457 Curriculum Methodology Middle School and High School   3
Integrative Studies (IS) -1 3 EDU 475 Health Education, Child Abuse, and Violence Prevention Workshop    0
DEIB Designated Course 3 EDU 485 Harassment, Bullying, Cyberbullying, and Discrimination in Schools: Prevention and Intervention (DASA Training)   0
ADOL 410 Principles of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment for Diverse Secondary Learners   3 Integrative Studies (IS) - 2 3
    CHM 270 Applied Mathematics in Chemistry   1
    ADOL 476 Designing and Maintaining Positive Learning Environments   2


(Summer Tuition Required)
ADIN 440 Foundations of Teaching Secondary Students With Disabilities    3 ADIN 441 Curriculum and Instruction for Diverse Secondary Learners   3
Fall Semester Spring Semester
ADOL 470 Assessment for Adolescent Teaching and Learning   2 CHM 245 Inorganic Chemistry  (3 cr.) or CHM 360 Physical Chemistry /CHM 360L  (5 cr.) 3-5
ADOL 477 Literacy Instruction for Diverse Secondary Learners   3 SCI 420 Advanced Scientific Communication   2
ADOL 478 Reflective Seminar   2 CHM xxx advanced Chemistry elective 4
CHM 479 Student Teaching Middle School and High School   6 Integrative Studies (IS) - 3 3
    CME 050 Core Milestone Experience   0
    ADOL 480 Adolescent Development and Youth Leadership   3


  • NYS certification standards require that students complete 6 credits in each of the following subject areas, with a minimum grade of “C” or higher in each course: English, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.
  • Eligibility for student teaching requires that students have a minimum GPA of 2.7 or higher
  • Bachelor of Science programs require a minimum of 60 liberal arts credits.