Academic Year
The academic year is divided into two semesters with optional summer sessions for undergraduate and graduate students.
Summer Program
Each year, Nazareth College conducts a multi-session summer program offering courses from the regular academic curriculum, as well as workshops and special activities. The sessions are planned for regular and special students and for in-service teachers who are working toward degrees or seeking professional improvement. Residence accommodations are available.
Classification of Students
Students are classified as follows: freshmen, those having fewer than 28 credit hours; sophomores, those having at least 28 but fewer than 58 credit hours; juniors, those having at least 58 but fewer than 88 credit hours; seniors, those having 88 or more credit hours.
Full-time matriculated - any student who has met the entrance requirements, has been accepted in a degree program and is carrying a minimum of 12 credit hours each semester.
If a full-time matriculated student fails to register in the succeeding semester, and has not formally filed for a leave of absence, matriculated status is lost by the last day to register for that semester.
Full-time non-matriculated - any student carrying a minimum of 12 credit hours a semester, but not pursuing a degree at Nazareth College (e.g., visiting students; teacher certification candidates only), or not yet accepted into a degree program.
Part-time matriculated - students who have been formally accepted into a degree program and who are pursuing a B.A., a B.S. or Mus.B. degree on a part-time basis (maximum of 11 credit hours a semester). If a part-time matriculated student fails to register after two consecutive academic semesters (excluding summers), matriculated status is lost.
Part-time non-matriculated* - students who have not yet applied for or received formal admission to Nazareth or students who wish to take courses for credit though they do not seek a degree (maximum of 11 credit hours per semester). Non-matriculated students who wish to work for a baccalaureate degree begin the matriculation process by the time they have completed 12 credits at Nazareth College.
* Part-time non-matriculated students whose GPA’s are below acceptable standards will not be allowed to continue at Nazareth College.
Additional Academic Information