Oct 02, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Musical Theatre - Major (BFA)

Why Choose Nazareth for a BFA in Musical Theatre? 

Here at Nazareth University, we celebrate individuality. In an effort to break with outdated constructs such as type and traditional casting, we encourage distinctive curricular paths, artist branding, and color conscious casting. Ultimately, we want to cultivate strong, thoughtful, and gracious humans who want to share their gifts in a collaborative and inclusive manner.  

With an emphasis on personal attention, our students enjoy small studio classes including a weekly private voice lesson for all 8 semesters, as well as weekly one-on-one coaching time with a collaborative pianist. Upon arrival, freshmen will be placed with a voice teacher based on their individual needs. Following their first year, students are given the flexibility to move around within the School of Music and Musical Theatre Voice Faculty.  

In much the same way, students will also be leveled in Music Theory, Piano, and their Dance classes. This ensures that students with limited prior training can start with the basics, while more advanced dancers and musicians can continue to build upon their technique at a pace that suits them.

Program Highlights

  • Work with Professional Artists: Each semester, our Program offers a variety of opportunities to engage with industry professionals via Workshops, Q&As, and Productions Directed and/or Choreographed by Guests Artists.
  • Study Abroad: There are two different London experiences available to our BFA Musical Theatre Students:
    • In the Spring directly following Freshman or Sophomore year, students can enroll in a 12-Day West End Intensive that includes classes with current West End artists and industry professionals. Students may use their SPARK Grant to cover a portion of this international experience. 
    • In the Fall of Junior Year, a select group of applicants can take advantage of our Semester Program in partnership with Performing Arts Abroad. Hosted at England’s University of Roehampton, our immersive London semester includes three distinct tracks: Musical Theatre, Acting, or Technical Theatre/Theatre Studies.
  • Student Leadership Opportunities: Students are invited to step into leadership roles frequently and in a variety of ways here at Naz. 
    • Student Productions: At least once a year, our Department funds a completely student-led production.
    • Assistant Opportunities: Students can apply to assist each Director, Choreographer, and Music Director for Main Stage Productions.
    • Clubs: There are a variety of Theatre and Dance Clubs here on campus, led by student officers. 
  • New Works: In our Page to Stage Program, students will work in partnership with emerging writers to explore new and in-process musicals, offering the unique experience of being a part of their development.    
  • Minor Options: There is flexibility in your schedule to add a minor in a variety of disciplines including but not limited to: Communications, Dance, Business, Recording, and Theatre Arts.
  • Senior Showcase: All students with a minimum of 3.0 who have successfully moved through their yearly appraisals are eligible to participate in the Senior Showcase on campus and in New York City.
  • Career Prep: Our BFA Course sequence prepares students for employment in a myriad of industry-related fields including performance, casting, stage management, or arts administration.
    • On-campus audition opportunities for summer stock and regional productions.
    • Required Summer Internships following Sophomore or Junior Year.
    • Swings and Understudies are cast and trained on every production and have a guaranteed Understudy Run prior to opening.

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Community: Through a targeted focus on dismantling the primarily Eurocentric lens through which American Musical Theatre has been taught, our students will gain an understanding of the true fabric of its origins by proactively elevating the voices of underrepresented people.
  • Diversity:  Students gain an understanding of diverse perspectives, races, ethnicities, religions, socio-economic backgrounds, gender identities, sexual orientations, and abilities through comprehensive course curriculums.
  • Practical:  Student artists acquire technical proficiency in all areas of Theatre through participation in classes, workshops, and performances with the goal of being prepared to enter the Musical Theatre industry.
  • Analytical:  Successful students gain the ability to evaluate, assess, and question their work in classrooms, rehearsal spaces, and performances by making a connection between theory and practice, and working collaboratively to become whole, unique artists. 
  • Global:  Nazareth BFAs become lifelong learners who understand the importance of advocacy in the Arts, becoming global citizens and socially conscious artists.

As part of the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre students are required to complete a yearly Appraisal at the end of each spring semester. This process is to evaluate students’ academic performance and artistic growth. Students must keep a minimum GPA of 3.0 within the major in order to continue in the program. All BFA Musical Theatre students must audition for every musical and accept the assigned role. Exceptions will be considered.

Core Curriculum Requirements

All Nazareth students complete Core Curriculum coursework as part of their degree requirements. The Core provides a foundation in the liberal arts and sciences while guiding students to pose and explore their own intellectual questions. See Academic Policies and Procedures  for specific core curriculum requirements. 

Required Courses


Students take all of the acting courses listed below.


Students take a minimum of 14 credits of Dance:

Sample Program for Musical Theatre Major

BFA Musical Theatre Program Sequencing

Fall Semester, Freshman Year Spring Semester, Freshman Year  
THA 001 Theatre & Dance Department Forum   0 THA 001 Theatre & Dance Department Forum   0
MTHA 1A Primary Voice Lessons   1 MTHA 1A Primary Voice Lessons   1
MUP 096 Vocal Studio  / MTHA 096 Musical Theatre Voice Listening Lab   0 MUP 096 Vocal Studio  / MTHA 096 Musical Theatre Voice Listening Lab   0
MTHA 128 Music Theory and Aural Skills I    2 MTHA 129 Music Theory and Aural Skills II      2
MTHA 131 Piano Class I   1 MTHA 132 Piano Class II   1
MTHA 114 Vocal Technique I   2 MTHA 115 Vocal Technique II   2  
THA 090 New Student Spotlight     0.5 THA 221 Voice for the Actor   3
THA 140 Acting I: Fundamentals   3 MTHA 213 Musical Theatre Dance II   1
MTHA 113 Musical Theatre Dance I  (or upper level - based on placement)  1 MTHA 305 Ballet II for Musical Theatre  / DAN 305 Open Ballet II   1-2
MTHA 205 Ballet I for Musical Theatre   1 THA 150 Technical Theatre I    3
THA.Q 120 Introduction to Theatre  (FYS/PEQ #1) 3 THA 150L Technical Theatre I Lab   0
THA 120L Introduction to Theatre Lab   0 ENGW 102 Argument and Research   3
ACS 101 Academic and College Success   1    
ENGW 101 Exposition   3    
Fall Semester, Sophomore Year Spring Semester, Sophomore Year
THA 001 Theatre & Dance Department Forum   0 THA 001 Theatre & Dance Department Forum   0
MTHA 1A Primary Voice Lessons   1 MTHA 1A Primary Voice Lessons   1
MUP 096 Vocal Studio  / MTHA 096 Musical Theatre Voice Listening Lab   0 MUP 096 Vocal Studio  / MTHA 096 Musical Theatre Voice Listening Lab   0
MTHA 260 Musical Theatre Performance I    3 MTHA 360 Musical Theatre Performance II   3
MTHA 107 Musical Theatre Audition Techniques I and Processes I   0.5 MTHA 108 Musical Theatre Audition Techniques II and Selection   0.5
MTHA 103 Page to Stage   0.5 MTHA 370 American Musical Theatre    3
THA 240 Acting II: Intermediate   3 THA 320 Dialects and Accents   3
THA 220 Movement   3 MTHA 209 Tap I Technique for Musical Theatre MTHA 309 Tap II Technique for Musical Theatre DAN 209 Tap I Technique , or DAN 309 Tap II Technique    2
MTHA 313 Musical Theatre Dance III   1 Optional Dance 1-2
MTHA 211 Jazz Dance I for Musical Theatre   2 THL - Theatre Production Lab 1
THL - Theatre Production Lab 1 PEQ #3 - Science with Lab 4
PEQ #2 3    
Fall Semester, Junior Year Spring Semester, Junior Year
THA 001 Theatre & Dance Department Forum   0 THA 001 Theatre & Dance Department Forum   0
MTHA 1A Primary Voice Lessons   1 MTHA 1A Primary Voice Lessons       1
MTHA 420 Musical Theatre Workshop I  (IS #1) 3 MTHA 440 Musical Theatre Workshop II   3
THA 403 Special Topics in Theatre   3 MTHA 105 Cabaret/Ensemble   .5
Acting Elective (Shakespeare/On Camera) 3 THA 340 Dramatic Styles   3
MTHA 213 Musical Theatre Dance II   1 DAN 212 Introduction to Modern Dance   3
MTHA 305 Ballet II for Musical Theatre  (or MTHA 205 Ballet I for Musical Theatre ) 1 Optional Dance  
THL - Theatre Production Lab 1 THL - Theatre Production Lab (EL Pathway) 1
PEQ #4 3 THA 483 Internship in Theatre    1
PEQ #5 3 Integrative Studies (IS) #2 (Optional DEIB) 3
    PEQ #6 3
Fall Semester, Senior Year Spring Semester, Senior Year
THA 001 Theatre & Dance Department Forum   0 THA 001 Theatre & Dance Department Forum   0
MTHA 1A Primary Voice Lessons   1 CME 050 Core Milestone Experience   0
MTHA 454 Musical Theatre Senior SpringBoard   2 MTHA 1A Primary Voice Lessons   1
MTHA 452 Musical Theatre Senior Seminar   3 MTHA 109 Cabaret  or MTHA 105 Cabaret/Ensemble   .5
THA 341 Acting in Shakespeare    3 MTHA 480 Rock the Audition   3
MTHA 499 Musical Theatre Comprehensive  (taken fall or spring semester) 0 MTHA 499 Musical Theatre Comprehensive  (taken fall or spring semester) 0
MTHA 413 Musical Theatre Dance IV   1 THA 342 Acting for Camera   3
MTHA 403 Musical Theatre Special Topic  (Commercial Dance) 1 DAN 213 Special Topics in Contemporary Dance Technique  (or MTHA 122 Introduction to Contemporary Dance ) 2
THL - Theatre Production Lab 1 Dance Elective (#2) 2
PEQ #7 3 THL - Theatre Production Lab 1
Integrative Studies (IS) #3 (Optional DEIB) 3 PEQ #8 3