2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Speech-Language Pathology
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The Master of Science program in Speech-Language Pathology at Nazareth College is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2200 Research Boulevard #310, Rockville, Maryland 20850, 800-498-2071 or 301-296-5700.
The mission of the Nazareth College Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders is to provide comprehensive academic and clinical opportunities emphasizing innovative inter-professional and ethical practices to foster the development of professionals prepared for work and life in a complex and diverse society. Upon completion of this program, students are eligible to apply for the certificate of clinical competence (CCC) by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), New York State professional license, and Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities (TSSLD) through the New York State Education Department.
The program requires a minimum of 42 credit hours of academic coursework and 9 credit hours of clinical coursework (a total of 51 minimum credit hours). The program offers a wide range of courses and clinical practica opportunities to prepare students to work with individuals across the lifespan and in a variety of settings including medical, educational, and private agencies. Applicants who have not completed the undergraduate foundational courses required for graduate study in the Nazareth College Speech-Language Pathology Program are admitted to the Extended Program (refer to foundational courses identified in the Extended Graduate Program section).
Graduate students begin their practicum experience in the Nazareth College on-campus clinics and community outreach programs. The clinics service a diverse group of clients with speech, language, cognitive, and hearing disorders.Throughout the program, students complete at least nine credit hours of practicum experiences with individuals across the lifespan (early intervention, school-age, and adult), across various settings, and with a variety of populations.
Program Director
Dawn Vogler-Elias, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
(585) 389-2770
Entry Requirements
- Completed Online Application through the CSDCAS system.
- Completion of the professional statement as described on the application
- Official transcripts from all colleges attended
- Applicant must have completed, or will be completing, a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution with a cumulative index of 3.0 and a “B” average in the major field by the start date of the desired term.
- An applicant who does not meet these grade point average expectations must address them in the professional statement; please see the Professional Statement section of the admissions application for further information.
- Two letters of recommendation (academic and clinical faculty recommended); additional letters may be included
- Official GRE scores sent through the CSDCAS system
- Copy of supervised observation and clinical hours (Only needed for students entering with undergraduate degree in CSD)
- Resume
- Interview is required as part of the admissions process.
Application Deadlines:
February 1 for Fall Term
Typical Graduate Program
In consultation with the Graduate Program Director, students plan and implement individualized programs to acquire and retain knowledge and skills in the competency areas outlined by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association 2020 Certification Standards. Each student’s graduate program of study is created to ensure that they possess the appropriate requisite knowledge when registering for competency-based and elective course work.
Program Deficiencies
Students whose undergraduate preparation in speech-language pathology has areas of deficiency or who completed an undergraduate degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders or an equivalent program from another institution will be required to complete the necessary foundational (preparatory) courses identified in the Extended Program section. The Program Director will assist those students in identifying those deficiency areas which must be completed in order to fulfill the certification requirements.
Program Requirements/ASHA Standards
ASHA Standard V-Skills Outcomes A, B, C, D, E, F
Clinical Coursework and Practicum Clinical experiences are designed to develop the knowledge and skills in the areas outlined by the CFCC, and in compliance with the Council for Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology standards (CAA). Every student’s clinical plan is determined in consultation with Graduate Program Director and the Graduate Practicum Coordinator, with consideration of the student’s interest and career goals. The practicum sequence is developmental in nature and is intentionally coordinated with academic coursework to support and promote clinical growth. Students must demonstrate adequate competencies consistent with the developmental skills expected at the graduate level to complete their clinical sequence. Students are required to take a minimum of 9 credit hours of practicum. Those who enter the program with minimal to no clinical experience will be required to take a 1 credit Clinical Methods Lab before they can begin to accrue the 9 practicum credits. Students completing the Teacher of Students with Speech and Language Disabilities credential (TSSLD) will be required to take an additional 3-credit student teaching clinical experience. Each clinical placement can be associated with a 1-credit practicum, a 2-credit practicum, or a 3-credit practicum. The number of credit hours linked to each clinical placement is determined by the Graduate Practicum Coordinator, based on practicum parameters and individual student program plans. This allows students to gain credit-based clinical experience with populations across the lifespan and across disorders, inclusive of assessment and treatment. Experience with culturally diverse populations is considered an essential component of your clinical education. Participation in clinical practicum requires that graduate students demonstrate the knowledge and skills, professional and ethical behaviors, and essential functions necessary to ensure the welfare of the clients. Students should be familiar with the documents below that outline these standards: Clinical Sequence/Requirements By the end of the first semester of graduate study, students are required to complete at least 25 hours of clinical observation with a speech-language pathologist who holds the Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC-SLP). Continued observation of SLPs and other disciplines throughout the entire graduate program is encouraged. Students who enter the program with minimal to no clinical experience will be required to take a clinical methods course with a lab (CSD 500/500L) before graduate practicum credits can be accrued. The Clinical Methods Lab includes the provision of therapy to 1-2 clients over 1 semester in the on-campus clinic under the supervision of a Nazareth College clinical supervisor. All incoming students will be required to complete a 1-credit Initial Clinical Competency Experience (ICCE) under the supervision of a Nazareth College clinical supervisor. Upon successful completion of the Initial Clinical Competency Experience (ICCE), students will be required to complete at least 3 clinical placements (one in early intervention/preschool, one with school age-children, and one with adults). Note: students completing the TSSLD will also be required to complete student teaching (CSD 565). Clinical Warning Policy: Students may be placed on clinical warning at the end of a clinical practicum if the student demonstrates either or both of the following: - Inability to carry out the clinical activities including the Essential Functions and Professional Skills without ongoing direct supervision.
- Failure to demonstrate appropriate level of clinical competency and professional growth/development expected at the graduate level.
Procedure: - A student who is placed on clinical warning must meet with the Graduate Program Director and the Graduate Practicum Coordinator in order to develop a remedial plan. Together, the faculty and student will develop a plan to address areas of concern in order to promote success.
- The student will be required to sign a memo of understanding detailing the expectations for successfully meeting this plan.
- If a student’s performance remains unsatisfactory in any subsequent term, he/she may be dismissed from the program.
CLINICAL COURSEWORK CREDIT REQUIREMENTS: Typical Graduate Status: 10-12 credit hour minimum - This option is for students who are completing the majority of their clinical practica at the graduate level. Advanced Standing Status: 9 credit hour minimum - This option is for students who have completed significant clinical practica at the undergraduate level. Students may take any combination of the following courses to meet the 9-10 credit minimum. Plan to be made with the Graduate Practicum Coordinator in consultation with the Graduate Practicum Coordinator. ASHA Standard IVC
Students must complete coursework in all listed sections. ASHA Standards IVE and IVG
Students complete 6-9 elective credits, determined in consultation with Program Director. Courses used to fulfill electives cannot also be used to fulfill other requirements. Elective course options include: Extended Program
Students admitted with undergraduate preparation in areas other than speech-language pathology will be required to complete the Extended Graduate Program. This is in accordance with the minimum 75 semester hours required by ASHA for certification. Students must earn a grade of B or higher in all foundational courses in order to continue in the program. Permission to repeat a foundational course may be granted on a case by case basis. The extended program includes the following foundational courses or their equivalents: - 15 credit hours in Basic Communication Processes: CSD 132 Speech-Language Acquisition; CSD 201 Phonetics; CSD 231 Anatomy of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism; CSD 232 Speech Science; CSD 252 Psycholinguistics. See Undergraduate Catalog for course descriptions. (When available, CSD 504 Language Acquisition may be taken to fulfill CSD 132 and 252.) See Undergraduate Catalog for course descriptions.
- 15 credit hours in Methodology and Practice: CSD 333 Speech Pathology I; CSD 335 Methods of Speech-Language Evaluation; CSD 500 and CSD 500L Methods of Speech-Language Therapy and Lab; CSD 437 Hearing Problems and Testing; CSD 438 Aural Rehabilitation. See Undergraduate Catalog for course descriptions.
Liberal Arts and Sciences Prerequisite Course Requirements All students enrolled in the graduate program must have transcript credit (which could include coursework, advanced placement, CLEP or other examinations of equivalency) for each of the following areas: (1) biological sciences (Biology); (2) physical sciences (Physics or Chemistry); (3) statistics; (4) social-behavioral sciences. Additional Credentials and Concentrations
Teacher Certification Students who wish to pursue Initial Teacher Certification for Students with Speech and Language Disabilities (TSSLD) at the graduate level are required to complete the following prerequisite courses: - SPF 204 History and Philosophy of Education
- PSY 221 Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adolescence or equivalent
- EDU 583 Health Education/Child Abuse/Violence Prevention and Intervention Workshop
- EDU 593 Harassment, Bullying, Cyberbullying, and Discrimination in Schools: Prevention and Intervention (DASA Training)
- CSD 565 Student Teaching for Speech-Language Pathology
- CSD 568 Speech-Language Services in the Schools *
*Note: CSD 568 is a strongly recommended elective for all students who wish to work in an educational setting, even if they are not pursuing NYS teacher certification NYS Teacher Certification Tests & Applying for Teacher Certification through New York State Teacher candidates use the NYS TEACH system to apply for Initial and Professional certifications and need to pay the fees in effect at the time they apply. New York requires all teacher candidates to have a fingerprint/background check on file with TEACH, pass all appropriate New York State Teacher Certification Examinations www.nystce.nesinc.com> and have the appropriate years of teaching experience. New York State Education Department maintains a website with certification requirements: http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/ For Professional Certification the teacher candidate will need to pass the Speech-Language Pathology PRAXIS II Examination. During a teacher candidate’s final semester, information on the certification application process will be sent via email. Additional support may be obtained by contacting Nazareth College Teacher Certification Office at (585) 389-2592 or by email tcert@naz.edu, or naz.edu/education/teacher-certification Deafness Specialty Program
The Deafness Specialty Program prepares speech-language pathologists to work with families and children to promote their speech language, and listening skills, and maximize their potential for academic and social success. Graduate students in the program learn to work with individuals from birth through young adulthood who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as working with families, teachers, and service providers, after completing a three course sequence. They are prepared to work with a diverse population of children who are deaf or hard of hearing who may use hearing aids or cochlear implants and who may use a range of communication options including listening and spoken language, Cued Speech, and American Sign Language. Details can be found at the following link: https://www2.naz.edu/dsp.
Deafness Specialty Courses (DPS) - DSP 595 - Language and Communication in Deaf or Hard of Hearing Children: Birth to Five Credits: 3
- DSP 596 - Language and Communication in Deaf Or Hard of Hearing Students: School-Age and Beyond Credits: 3
- CSD 597 - Facilitating Lang & Comm Through Technology for Persons Who Are Deaf/Hard Hearing Credits: 3
Autism Concentration (I-SPAN)
The Interdisciplinary Specialty Program in Autism (I-SPAN) is a graduate-level program that prepares professionals to work with individuals on the autism spectrum across the lifespan. It consists of a three-course sequence that examines contemporary topics related to best practice in person-centered support of individuals on the autism spectrum in multiple settings. I-SPAN is open to graduate-level matriculated students in a variety of disciplines, including speech-language pathology, education, social work, occupational therapy, physical therapy and nursing. More information is available at the following link: https://www2.naz.edu/academics/grad/interdisciplinary-autism-program.
Autism Specialty Courses (I-SPAN) - AUT 660 - Exploring Autism From Multiple Perspectives Credits: 3
- CSD 661 - Autism Supports Across the Lifespan Credits: 3
- AUT 662 - Autism: a Contemporary Lens Credits: 3
Medical Specialization Program
Medical Specialization Program prepares speech-language pathology graduate students to work with patients, clients, and families in medical settings across the continuum of care and across the lifespan. The medical specialization consists of a four-course sequence exposing students to evidence-based best practice in person-centered care, preparing them for entry-level work in a range of healthcare settings. Coursework is paired with relevant experiential learning and clinical opportunities, both on campus and off-site at medical settings in the greater Rochester area. A variety of topics are explored including, but not limited to aphasia, right hemisphere brain damage, motor speech disorders, dysphagia, and cognitive-communication disorders associated with acquired brain injury, dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. Students will be required to take the courses listed below.
Note: The first course in the sequence is required of all students in the program. Three additional courses focused on medical speech-language pathology are required (one of these courses counts as an elective within the traditional MS program; the other two are in addition to the requirements of the traditional MS program).
Medical Specialization Courses - CSD 535 - Aphasia and Related Disorders Credits: 3
- CSD 541 - Medical Sp Lang Path Credits: 3
- CSD 579 - Introduction to Cognitive Rehabilitation and Brain Injury Credits: 3
- CSD 590 - Motor Speech Disorders Credits: 3
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