Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Programs, birth-grade
- Initial Certification
- Additional and/or Professional Certification
The programs are committed to the preparation of professional educators whose
expertise provides broad and rich support to the education of students from language
backgrounds other than English. The program faculty recognizes the tremendous
diversity of languages, cultures, learning styles and preferences, and forms of
knowledge which English Language Learners bring to their educational experiences,
and celebrates that diversity as a resource to all learners. While the primary
responsibility of the ESOL educator is to help students achieve full proficiency
in English, the Nazareth TESOL programs also strive to prepare ESOL educators
- develop deep understanding of their students, and combine this understanding
with knowledge about language and about first and second language acquisition;
- design and implement learning experiences which promote both the development
of English language proficiency and mastery of the concepts and skills necessary
for academic success and the fulfillment of personal potential;
- address not only language, but also the academic and socio-cultural and self-advocacy
needs of diverse English Language Learners.
To accomplish these goals, ESOL educators must be grounded in a broad knowledge
of the curriculum, and must especially attend to the development of literacy.
Learners from language backgrounds other than English use their knowledge of their
first language to achieve proficiency in additional languages; therefore ESOL
educators must be prepared to assist students in exploring the connections between
their native language and literacy and English.
Through coursework and experiences in the field, ESOL educators acquire a vast
repertoire of teaching strategies appropriate to English Language Learners of
different ages, first language backgrounds, and prior school experiences. Those
strategies apply both general principles of teaching and learning and principles
of second language acquisition. ESOL educators use an array of resources, from
texts and other written materials to a variety of technologies, to create engaging
and appropriate learning experiences for English Language Learners. They understand
the principles and practices of differentiation, and are prepared to offer learning
experiences which address the needs of all their students. ESOL educators are
familiar with the many models which exist for the effective education of culturally
and linguistically diverse students, and are prepared to collaborate with schools,
parents and community to select and operate within the models most likely to lead
to successful learning by their students. ESOL educators must also understand
the theoretical, historical, and political dimensions of the education of culturally
and linguistically diverse students, and must use this knowledge to position themselves
as active professionals in a dynamic and ever-changing field.
A Bilingual Extension option is available. Please see Annotations and Extensions for further information.
Program Director
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Programs
Cynthia L. McPhail, Ph.D.