Feb 09, 2025
2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
International Studies Major with Inclusive Childhood/Middle Childhood Education Major
Coordinator: Sharon R. Murphy, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science
The international studies major is an interdisciplinary program leading to a B.A. degree. It is designed to educate students in the theoretical, substantive, and ethical dimensions of both the methods through which nations interact and the problems that affect the world as a single unit. It also seeks to develop in each student a recognition and understanding of cultures outside those of the United States. The INS program helps to prepare students to enter careers in government, the foreign diplomatic service, intelligence agencies, international business, journalism, international law, and international service organizations. It is also an excellent preparation for graduate school in more specialized areas.
INS majors take at least four courses in one foreign language at or above the advanced level, ensuring that they are able to read, write and speak a foreign language. Being equipped with these skills gives them the edge as they enter the workforce or graduate school.
Study abroad is also required for INS majors because it gives them the opportunity to examine another society through personal observation and experience. Nazareth has a wide variety of study abroad programs for its students through our Center for International Education.
INS majors have the option to double major in international studies and inclusive childhood/middle childhood education to achieve teacher certification. Students are required to have a minimum GPA of 2.7 before beginning student teaching.
International Studies Core
The International Studies major has a total of 42 required credit hours. In addition to the core courses listed below, all International Studies majors are required to take four courses in one foreign language at or above the advanced (200) level and four International Studies elective courses three of which must be upper division courses. All foreign language credits must be earned in the same language. - Foreign Language Requirement - 4 courses at or above the 200 level
International Studies Electives
Students take four International Studies elective courses three of which must be upper division courses selected under the guidance of the program director. Here is a partial list of INS elective courses: - AHI 183G - PI Art of Indigenous Peoples Credits: 3
- AHI 271 - PI History of Art: Survey I Credits: 3
- AHI 272 - PI History of Art Survey II Credits: 3
- AHI 273 - Introduction to 20th Century Art Credits: 3
- ANT 322G - PII Religion and Ritual in Africa Credits: 3
- AHI 371 - The Art of Egypt and the Ancient Near East Credits: 3
- AHI 373 - Greek and Roman Art Credits: 3
- AHI 374 - PII Medieval Art Credits: 3
- AHI 376 - PII Italian Renaissance Art Credits: 3
- AHI 377 - PII Northern Renaissance Art Credits: 3
- AHI 378 - Baroque and Rococo Art Credits: 3
- AHI 380 - PII 18th & 19th Century Art Credits: 3
- AHI 383G - PII Asian Art: India, China, Japan Credits: 3
- ANT 310G - PII Ethnobotany Credits: 3
- ANT 313G - PII Gender and Society Credits: 3
- ANT 316G - Anthropology of Development Credits: 3
- ANT 318G - PII Cultural and Social Change Credits: 3
- ANT 320G - PII Peoples and Cultures of Africa Credits: 3
- ANT 326G - PII Anthropology of Religion in South Asia Credits: 3
- ANT 330G - PII Anthropology of Dance Credits: 3
- ANT 336 - Anthropology of Terrorism Credits: 3
- ANT 339G - PII Love in Action Credits: 3
- ANT 342G - PII Cultural Study in Kenya Credits: 3
- ANT 432G - PII Refugee Resettlement and Adaptation Credits: 3
- ARB 101 - Elementary Arabic I Credits: 3
- ARB 102 - Elementary Arabic II Credits: 3
- ARB 103 - Intermediate Arabic I Credits: 3
- ARB 104 - Intermediate Arabic II Credits: 3
- BIO 260G - PII Ethnobotany Credits: 3
- BIO 330 - PII Ecology Credits: 3
- CHN 100 - Basic Chinese Language and Culture for Business Credits: 1
- CHN 101 - Elementary Chinese I Credits: 3
- CHN 102 - Elementary Chinese II Credits: 3
- CHN 103 - Intermediate Chinese I Credits: 3
- CHN 104 - Intermediate Chinese II Credits: 3
- CHN 201 - The Road to the Olympics Credits: 3
- COMM 389 - International Graphic Narrative Credits: 3
- ECO 350 - PII Environmental Economics Credits: 3
- ECO 360 - Natural Resource Economics Credits: 3
- ENGL 201 - Survey of British Literature I Credits: 3
- ENGL 202 - Survey of British Literature II Credits: 3
- ENGL 205G - Survey of World Literature I Credits: 3
- ENGL 206G - Survey of World Literature II Credits: 3
- ENGL 304G - PII Mythology Credits: 3
- ENGL 309 - Renaissance Literature Credits: 3
- ENGL 310 - Seventeenth-Century Literature Credits: 3
- ENGL 311 - Eighteenth-Century Literature Credits: 3
- ENGL 312 - The Romantic Movement Credits: 3
- ENGL 313 - The Victorians Credits: 3
- ENGL 322 - Twentieth-Century British Literature Credits: 3
- ENGL 330G - Irish Literature and Culture Credits: 3
- ENGL 332G - PII Asian Literature Credits: 3
- ENGL 333G - PII Literature of Africa, Latin America Asia and the Middle East Credits: 3
- ENGL 346 - PII Latino/a Literature Credits: 3 to 4
- ENGL 404 - Milton Credits: 3
- GEO 101G - PI Intro to Geography Credits: 3
- GEO 102G - PI Cultural Geography Credits: 3
- HEB 101 - Elementary Modern Hebrew I Credits: 3
- HIS 103 - PI Western Civilization III Credits: 3
- HIS 106G - PI Asian Civilization I Credits: 3
- HIS 107G - PI Asian Civilization II Credits: 3
- HIS 108G - PI Atlantic World I Credits: 3
- HIS 306G - Colonial Latin America Credits: 3
- HIS 309G - PII Arabs, Turks and Israelis: History And Politics of the Mediterranean Middle East Credits: 3
- HIS 311G - PII Latin America: the National Period Credits: 3
- HIS 312G - PII Politics of Sub-Sahara Africa Credits: 3
- HIS 314G - PII Imperial Russia Credits: 3
- HIS 315G - PII Russia in the 20th Century Credits: 3
- HIS 328G - PII China in the Twentieth Century Credits: 3
- HIS 329G - PII Imperial China Credits: 3
- HIS 330G - PII Women and Family in East Asia Credits: 3
- HIS 336G - PII Modern Japan Credits: 3
- HIS 401 - PII Modern Revolutions Credits: 3
- HIS 402 - Europe and the World Since 1914 Credits: 3
- HIS 412 - PII United States Foreign Policy Credits: 3
- INS 483 - International Studies Internship Credits: 3
- JPN 101 - Elementary Japanese I Credits: 3
- JPN 102 - Elementary Japanese II Credits: 3
- JPN 103 - Intermediate Japanese I Credits: 3
- JPN 104 - Intermediate Japanese II Credits: 3
- LIT 206G - PI Film and Literature: Youth Discovering the World Credits: 3
- LIT 308G - PII Gay and Lesbian Images in Literature and Film Credits: 3
- LIT 309 - PII Literature Music German Baroque Credits: 3
- LIT 310G - PII Latin American Women Writing in the Margins: Theories of Gender and Sexuality Credits: 3
- LIT 318G - PII Bledi-Bledi: Ethnic Youth, Hip-Hop Culture and Contested Cultural Identities in Contemporary France Credits: 3
- LST 304G - PII Global Asia Credits: 3
- LST 312 - PII Memory, Writing and the Italian Holocaust Credits: 3
- MGT 345 - Cross-Cultural Management Credits: 3
- MUS 104G - PI Introduction to World Music Credits: 3
- MUS 205 - PII Women and Music Credits: 3
- MUS 206 - PII Opera Credits: 3
- MUS 208 - PII Literature and Music of Germany Credits: 3
- MUS 211 - The History of Western Music I: Antiquity to 1600 Credits: 3
- MUS 212 - The History of Western Music II: 1600 To the Late Nineteenth Century Credits: 3
- MUS 414 - Topics in Romantic Era Music History Credits: 3
- MUS 415 - Topics in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Music History Credits: 3
- NSG 201 - Intro Transcultural Nursing Credits: 2
- PAJ 201 - PII Peace and Justice Credits: 3
- PAJ 202 - Conflict Resolution Credits: 3
- PHL 325 - PII Philosophy & History of Sicily Credits: 3
- PSC 309G - PII Arabs, Turks and Israelis: History and Politics of the Mediterranean Middle East Credits: 3
- PSC 311G - PII Latin America, The National Period Credits: 3
- PSC 312G - PII Politics of Sub-Sahara Africa Credits: 3
- PSC 313G - PII Comparative Politics of Europe And Japan Credits: 3
- PSC 315G - PII Russia in the 20th Century Credits: 3
- PSC 328G - PII China in the Twentieth Century Credits: 3
- PSC 335G - PII Persian Gulf - History and Politics Credits: 3
- PSC 336G - PII Women in the Middle East Credits: 3
- PSC 342 - PII US Social Policy in Comparative Perspective Credits: 3
- PSC 360 - Special Topics in Political Science Credits: 3
- PSC 401 - PII Modern Revolutions Credits: 3
- PSC 412 - PII United States Foreign Policy Credits: 3
- PSC 416 - PII International Law Credits: 3
- PSY 352G - PII Multicultural Psychology Credits: 3
- PTG 101 - Elementary Portuguese I Credits: 3
- PTG 102 - Elementary Portuguese II Credits: 3
- PTG 103 - Intermediate Portuguese I Credits: 3
- PTG 104 - Intermed Portuguese II Credits: 3
- RES 101 - PI Exploring Religion Credits: 3
- RES 103G - PI Exploring Religion East Credits: 3
- RES 226G - PII Religions of East Asia Credits: 3
- RES 227G - PII Religions of India Credits: 3
- RES 228G - PII Islam Credits: 3
- RES 230G - PII Buddhism Credits: 3
- RES 251G - PII Religions of China Credits: 3
- RES 320 - PII Auschwitz and After: Religious Questions and Ethical Dilemmas Credits: 3
- RES 321 - PII Encountering Evil: Responses from World Religions Credits: 3
- RES 322G - PII Religion and Ritual in Africa Credits: 3
- RES 325G - Classic Texts of Chinese Religions Zen Credits: 3
- RES 327G - PII Sacred Literature of India Credits: 3
- RES 331 - PII Liberation Thought: Empowerment, Solidarity, and Praxis Credits: 3
- RES 332 - PII Living Well: Ethics in the World’s Religions Credits: 3
- RES 336G - PII Journeys Into Emptiness: the Quest For Transformation in the West and East Credits: 3
- RES 348G - PII Mysticism East and West Credits: 3
- RES 350G - PII Zen Meditation and Militarism: An Ethical Reflection Credits: 3
- RES 363G - PII Chinese Religion Performance Credits: 3
- RUS 101 - Elementary Russian I Credits: 3
- RUS 102 - Elementary Russian II Credits: 3
- RUS 103 - Intermediate Russian I Credits: 3
- RUS 104 - Intermediate Russian II Credits: 3
- SOC 313G - PII Gender and Society Credits: 3
- SWA 101 - Elementary Kiswahili I Credits: 3
- SWA 102 - Elementary Kiswahili II Credits: 3
- SWA 103 - Intermediate Kiswahili I Credits: 3
- SWA 104 - Intermediate Kiswahili II Credits: 3
- THA 275 - PII History of the Theatre I Credits: 3
- THA 276 - PII History of the Theatre II Credits: 3
- THA 360G - PII Chinese Theatre Credits: 3
- THA 370 - PII Theatre in England Credits: 3
- WGS 301G - PII Latin American Women Writing In the Margins Credits: 3
Required Courses for Inclusive Childhood/Middle Childhood Education Major
The following courses are required for the Inclusive Childhood/Middle Childhood Education major. The major prepares students for the initial teacher certification requirements in four certification areas: Childhood Education (Grades 1-6), Teaching Students with Disabilities at the Childhood Level (Grades 1-6), Middle Childhood Education - Generalist or Content Specialist (Grades 5-9), and Teaching Students with Disabilities at the Middle Childhood Level (Grades 5-9). *Students in the Inclusive Childhood/Middle Childhood major who are pursuing a B.A. degree must take all electives in liberal arts areas in order to earn the 90 liberal arts credits that are required for the degree. International Studies Senior Experience
The senior experience has two parts. INS 400 - Junior-Senior Seminar in International Studies ties together and demonstrates the interconnectedness of the various courses and disciplines of the INS major. Particular attention is given to global trends in political, economic, and social development, and to contemporary problems faced by the international community. Students undertake a major research project in which they analyze a specific international issue and makes a policy recommendation toward its solution. They are also required to do a public, oral defense of it. INS 499 - Senior Comprehensive Examination provides an opportunity for graduating seniors to demonstrate, in both oral and written form, a proficiency in the discipline appropriate to the undergraduate level. Sample Program for International Studies Major with Inclusive Education
Freshman Year
- Perspectives I Credits: 3
- Math and Science Perspectives I Credits: 7
- Modern Foreign Language 201 - 202 Level Credits: 6
As well as: Sophomore Year
- Perspectives I Credits: 12
- Math or Science Perspectives II Credits: 3
- Modern Foreign Language 203 - 204 Level Credits: 6
As well as: Junior Year
- Perspectives II Credits: 6
- International Studies Electives Credits: 6
As well as: Summer Between Junior and Senior Year
Senior Year
- International Studies Electives Credits: 6
- Other Elective Credits: 3
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