Feb 09, 2025  
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog (revised) 
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog (revised) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Nazareth College Policies

Statement of Respect and Diversity
We, the Nazareth community, embrace both respect for the person and freedom of speech. The College promotes civility and denounces acts of hatred or intolerance. The free exchange of ideas is possible only when concepts, values, and viewpoints can be expressed and challenged in a manner that is neither threatening nor demeaning. It is the policy of Nazareth College, in keeping with its efforts to foster a community in which the diversity of all members is respected, not to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, sex, age, marital or veteran status, disability, carrier status, genetic predisposition or any other protected status. Respect for the dignity of all peoples is an essential part of the College’s tradition and mission, and its vision for the future.

Notice of Non-Discrimination
The College does not permit discrimination or harassment in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, physical and/or mental disability, medical condition, veteran status, marital status or any other characteristic protected by institutional policy or state, local or federal law. The College does not discriminate on the basis of sex or gender in its educational, extracurricular, athletic or other programs or in the context of employment.

Inquiries concerning the application of this policy prescribed by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, may be directed to the associate vice president for human resources at Nazareth College, 4245 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618, 585-389-2065. The vice president for student development has been named to coordinate the responsibilities under Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 and may be contacted at 4245 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618, 585-389-2881. 

Student Code of Conduct
Nazareth College has in place a comprehensive Student Code of Conduct, which includes a Statement of the Conduct Code, Disciplinary Sanctions, and Conduct Procedures. Any question or application of the Nazareth College Student Conduct Code shall be referred to the Vice President for Student Development, or his/her designee for final determination. The full text of the Student Conduct Code, as well as information on Title IX: Sexual Misconduct, Harassment, and Discrimination is available online at http://www2.naz.edu/student-conduct.

Transcript Notations
New York law requires the College to make specific notations on the transcripts of Respondents found responsible for the following conduct prohibited by this Policy: sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. 

  • Students suspended after a finding of responsibility will receive the following notation on their transcript: “suspended after a finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation.”  Such notations will remain for at least one year after the conclusion of the suspension, at which point a suspended student can seek removal of the notation by appealing to the Vice President for Student Development. Students seeking removal of the notation should contact the Office of the Vice President for Student Development for appeal procedures.
  • Students expelled after a finding of responsibility will receive the following notation on their transcript: “expelled after a finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation.”  Such notation shall not be eligible for removal.
  • Students who withdraw pending resolution of alleged violations of this Policy will receive the following notation on their transcript: “withdrew with conduct charges pending.”  Such notation shall not be eligible for removal unless the charges are later resolved.
  • If the College vacates a finding of responsibility for any reason, any such transcript notation shall be removed.

Sexual Misconduct
Nazareth College prohibits and will not tolerate sex discrimination and harassment, sexual harassment, sexual violence, stalking, intimate partner violence, and sex- and gender-based harassment that does not involve conduct of a sexual nature, in every setting and in every program organized, sponsored, and hosted by the College. Such conduct is detrimental to the College community and the productive living and working environment free from harassment that the College wishes to foster and maintain.

It is the policy of Nazareth College of Rochester, in keeping with the efforts to establish an environment in which the dignity and worth of all members of the institutional community are respected, that sexual misconduct of students and employees is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Sexual misconduct may involve the behavior of a person against Nazareth community members of any sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation, when the behavior falls within the following definition:

Sexual harassment of employees and students at Nazareth College is defined as any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

  • submission to or rejection of such conduct is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of an individual’s employment, evaluation of academic work or participation in any aspect of a College’s program or activity;


  • submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for decisions affecting the individual;


  • such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work or academic performance, i.e., it is sufficiently serious, pervasive or persistent as to create an intimidating, hostile, humiliating, demeaning or sexually offensive working, academic, residential or social environment under both a subjective and objective standard.

Reporting Discrimination and Harassment Complaints
Faculty, staff, and students who want further information or assistance in discussing or filing a complaint of harassment or discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, physical and/or mental disability, medical condition, veteran status, marital status or any other characteristic protected by institutional policy or state, local or federal law should contact:

Vice President for Student Development/Title IX Coordinator, 4245 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618, 585-389-2881 (for issues related to sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation);


Associate Vice President for Human Resources/Title VII, Section 504, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, 4245 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618, 585-389-2065.