Feb 10, 2025  
2005-2006 Graduate Catalog 
2005-2006 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Overview of People, Services, Campus

Entries appear in alphabetical order.

Arts Center and Otto Shults Community Center
Athletics and Recreation
Campus Clinics
Campus Ministry
Campus Safety
Career Services
Center for International Education
Computer and Network Access
Counseling Services
Cultural and Social Events
Food Services
Health Services
Housing Resources
Language Houses
Lorette Wilmot Library and Media Center
Office of Graduate Student Services
Orientation Programs
Program Advisement
Services for Students with Disabilities
The Surrounding Area
Writing Center



Nazareth College is led by President Daan Braveman, who was appointed as the College’s ninth president on July 1, 2005. President Braveman works closely with the College’s Board of Trustees, a 35-member governing body made up of alumni and benefactors, to manage the College, formulate and determine general policies, create and appoint committees, and to develop an atmosphere in which learning can take place most effectively and dynamically.

Nazareth College is comprised of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, School of Education, School of Health and Human Services, and School of Management. Each of these academic sections is led by a Dean. The administration of graduate programs is the responsibility of the Associate Vice President for Graduate Studies working in cooperation with the Vice President for Academic Affairs, deans, department chairpersons, directors of individual graduate programs, members of the Office of Graduate Student Services, and other members of departments having approved programs among the graduate offerings.

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Arts Center and Otto Shults Community Center

The Arts Center includes the 1,153-seat Callahan Theater, the Gerald G. Wilmot Hall of Music, a rehearsal hall, a $1 million scene shop for theatrical use, and music practice rooms. A large visual arts facility resides within the Nazareth College Arts Center, including seminar, art history and studio spaces.

The Shults Center houses a gymnasium, fitness center, swimming pool, racquetball courts, student union, conference rooms, bookstore, and a snack bar that opens daily and in the evening when classes are in session.

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Athletics and Recreation

Nazareth’s 22 undergraduate intercollegiate teams compete at the NCAA Division III level and are members of the Empire 8 Athletic Conference. Nazareth is a member of the East Coast Athletic Conference (ECAC), and the New York State Women’s Collegiate Athletic Association (NYSWCAA).

Athletic facilities include the 2,200 seat Golden Flyers Stadium Complex, all-weather track and fitness center, oversized gym, racquetball courts, dance studio, swimming pool, playing fields, tennis courts, and cross-country course. For students who enjoy competition on different levels, there are many intramural teams, recreational facilities and a fitness center free and open to all undergraduate and graduate students.

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Campus Clinics

Campus clinics provide the settings in which students seeking certification and/or licensure practice their specialty to meet the requirements of their specific program. Graduate students working toward New York certification as literacy specialists or teachers of students with speech and language disabilities as well as those seeking licensure in speech-language pathology are required to demonstrate their competencies under the direct supervision of a faculty member.

The Marie Callahan Reading Center, located in the Golisano Academic Center, is the setting in which elementary and secondary students as well as adults from the community receive support in learning to read and write during each college term. Graduate students who hold one or more certifications complete the requirements for their master’s degree and additional certification as a literacy specialist. They assess the individual with whom they work to determine strengths as well as needs, design an instructional program to overcome or compensate for those needs, and provide one-to-one instruction. During selected terms, the faculty member and graduate students may work at one of the area’s schools rather than on campus.

The Nazareth Speech and Hearing Clinic, located in Carroll Hall, serves as a training site for students in the Communication Sciences and Disorders undergraduate and Speech-Language Pathology graduate programs. The clinic provides evaluation and treatment services to a diverse group of clients with problems in articulation/phonology, voice, fluency, language, hearing and auditory processing. Students interested in neurological disorders are given opportunities to conduct evaluations, treatment, and research in the Aphasia Clinic. The facility has individual and group diagnostic/treatment rooms and is equipped for direct and video observation for supervision and family training. There is a state of the art audiology suite for hearing testing. The clinic also provides a number of outreach speech, language, and hearing services for preschools in the Rochester area.

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Campus Ministry

Nazareth College has long recognized the importance of spiritual growth in the development of the whole person. The mission of Campus Ministry is to foster such by:

  • promoting and encouraging the spiritual growth of all members of the College through opportunities for reflection, prayer, worship, and study
  • nurturing a sense of community that respects and honors diversity
  • working for social justice and encouraging generous service to those in need
  • being present and available to listen, console, and challenge with love

Spirituality Programs: The Campus Ministry staff works closely with students, faculty and staff to provide ministry for individuals from a wide range of faiths and traditions. The student leadership of Campus Ministry allows for a large number of students to be involved in programs and leadership positions. Weekly opportunities for worship and meditation include: Catholic Mass, Protestant Worship and Zen Meditation. In addition, the Campus Ministry staff assists students from any tradition to make local connections with places of worship. Staff and student leaders plan many spiritual and religious programs, such as retreats, a men’s group, music groups, a sacred dance group and many other programs that encourage spiritual growth.

Community Service Programs: Campus Ministry offers a great variety of community service opportunities throughout the academic year, as well as alternative ‘breaks for service’ when school is not in session. Two of the most popular programs - Partners for Learning and Partners for Serving - engage Nazareth students as mentors and tutors in Rochester city school and community service agencies. Students who serve in these programs are compensated through federal work study and college employment.

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Campus Safety

Nazareth College maintains a full-time, 24-hours-a-day Campus Safety Department. All uniformed officers are registered security guards in accordance with the New York State Security Guard Act and provide vehicle, bike, and foot patrols of all academic buildings, campus parking areas, and residence halls. All officers are trained in emergency response procedures, first aid, CPR/AED use, and crisis intervention. Emergency notifications and transports, vehicle lockouts and jump starts for stranded motorists, and a student campus escort service are all provided by Campus Safety personnel. The Campus Safety Office, located in the lower level of the Shults Center, also distributes all student photo ID cards and coordinates a campus-wide Lost and Found Program. A college ID, the NazCard, is needed for borrowing library materials, gaining access to the residence halls and certain computer facilities, and using other college services. (Please also see additional information in this section regarding the NazCard.)

The Campus Safety Department is responsible for the enforcement of all campus parking rules and regulations. All students must register their vehicles with Campus Safety each year. Parking permits are $40 per year or $25 per semester and are available in the Campus Safety Office. This fee can be charged to the student’s account. A parking brochure is distributed to everyone who registers his/her vehicle. The brochure explains all campus parking rules and regulations. Nazareth College also provides each student and employee, upon request, with a unique key-chain style transmitter (Security Escort) that can alert Campus Safety personnel for immediate response to any request for emergency assistance.

The on-campus emergency phone extension is 3333; the off-campus phone number is (585) 389-2850. Blue light courtesy phones which connect directly with Campus Safety are also strategically located throughout campus.

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Career Services

The Office of Career Services, located in the Shults Center, assists students and alumni with making career decisions, navigating the job search process, and planning for graduate study. Career Services relies on their website to provide students with up-to-date information regarding all programs and services, and students are encouraged to visit www.naz.edu/dept/career_services and bookmark the site for future use. Individual appointments may be scheduled by calling 585-389-2878.

· Job Search - To assist with the job search Career Services posts job vacancy notices on its website and coordinates an active resume referral program in which students receive targeted job notices via e-mail. Businesses, school districts, health care and social services organizations also visit the college through Career Services to conduct individual interviews. A schedule of these visits is provided on the Career Services website. In addition, annual job fairs such as Teacher Recruitment Day and the Rochester Area Career Expo are planned to assist Nazareth graduates with finding employment. Career Services also offers workshops on job search strategies, resume writing and interviewing, and counselors meet with students individually by appointment for help with these issues.

· Career Decision Making - Services designed to assist with career decision making include individual career counseling, use of the DISCOVER computer guidance system, and other print and electronic resources.

· Graduate School - Career Services helps with the graduate school admission process by offering workshops, practice graduate school admission tests, and up to date databases of graduate school information.

· Credential Services - Students and alumni may also establish a file of letters of recommendation for use by prospective employers/graduate schools in the Career Services Office.

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Center for International Education

The Center for International Education at Nazareth College is the cornerstone of the College’s unwavering commitment to international education. The CIE is the flagship of global initiatives and activities at Nazareth College. In planning and implementing the College’s international mandate to carry out its global goals and responsibilities, the CIE defines, develops, and supports internationally focused interdisciplinary academic and development activities. The CIE also serves as an informational clearinghouse and support center for prospective international students and scholars. It offers services for undergraduate and graduate students as well as visiting scholars from abroad. Additionally, the CIE provides a forum through which Nazareth College’s students, faculty, staff, and alumni pursue collaborative interests and projects with partner institutions around the world. Prospective students may call: (585) 389-2371, write global@naz.edu, or click on the website: www.naz.edu/dept/cie.

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The Patricia Carter Child Care Center of Nazareth College provides full and part-time care for children ages two years and ten months through five years old. The Center is licensed by the New York State Department of Children and Family Services and accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The program focuses on learning themes that are presented through art, literature, music, games, large-and-fine-motor experiences and field trips. Children are encouraged to develop creativity, self-esteem, self-confidence, independence and socialization skills.

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Computer and Network Access

Nazareth College is prepared to meet the instructional and administrative needs of the college community for a broad range of information technology applications by way of open access computer labs throughout the campus (including a lab open 24 hours) with a variety of software on both Macs and PCs, and full internet/e-mail access. Regularly scheduled introductory classes on the use of these facilities are available through the Information Technology Services department in Smyth Hall.

Computer labs focused around specific disciplines - graduate education, management, art graphics, physical therapy, and others - provide facilities and support for students in these disciplines. Many labs, and some additional classrooms, are equipped with workstations and specialized projectors for computer-based instructional needs. The campus is completely wired for full, high-speed network and internet access. Students coming to campus with their own computers, including commuting students with portables, should be able to get necessary connection information from Information Technology Services and connect those computers at designated locations.

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Counseling Services

Confidential personal counseling is offered through Counseling Services to students enrolled in at least one course for credit. Individual, relationship, and group counseling are available as are workshops and other programs. The staff is comprised of credentialled professionals including a substance abuse counselor.

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Cultural and Social Events

The Arts Center at Nazareth is the axis of a lively performing scene, where each year more than 50 plays, concerts and recitals are staged. Part-time graduate students are entitled to one free ticket per semester to an Arts Center subscription series event, while full-time graduate students are eligible for one free ticket per performance (please note that restrictions do apply to Garth Fagan shows).

Each fall and spring semester the Office of Graduate Student Services and the division of Student Development co-sponsor an evening social for graduate students and faculty. This is a fun gathering to meet fellow graduate students and chat with friends and faculty.

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Nazareth’s 150-acre, wooded campus includes more than 20 buildings, from Gothic-style to contemporary. Most buildings are connected by a series of tunnels, so students can traverse many parts of the campus very comfortably in inclement weather.

Instructional Facilities: Due to the recent expansion of the campus, students now have twice as many classrooms and computer labs in which to learn and study. Dozens of locations on campus are dubbed SMARTROOMS, equipped with the latest in learning and teaching technologies. The Golisano Academic Center has 30 technology-enhanced classrooms and seminar rooms, and discipline-specific computer labs and offices. The Lorette Wilmot Library has a media center with a video editing lab and multimedia classrooms. There are eight computer labs on campus, including one that is open 24 hours. The Arts Center has a $1 million scene shop for theatrical use and music practice rooms. Students gain practical experience through Nazareth’s on-campus clinics for speech and hearing, reading, and physical therapy. A greenhouse provides flora and hands-on learning opportunities for interested students.

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It is easy for students and faculty members to connect because program directors, advisors, and faculty value intellectual interactions with graduate students enrolled in their programs. Ninety-four percent of the full-time faculty members have received a doctoral degree (Ph.D., Ed.D., J.D.) or the highest professional degree in their field. The adjunct faculty teaching in graduate programs are well respected professionals in their field who bring valuable information and insights from the profession into the Nazareth classroom. While Nazareth faculty are active educators, administrators, executives, therapists, health care professionals, published writers and researchers, accomplished artists, and recognized scholars in their fields, their first priority when at Nazareth College is always teaching their students - and helping students achieve their dreams.

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Food Services

The Snack Bar, located in the Shults Center’s Cabaret and operated by Nazareth College Food Services, is open weekdays during the fall, spring, and summer terms. The Roost (pizza, subs, and Freshen’s Fruit Smoothies and Frozen Yogurt), also housed in the Shults Center’s Cabaret, is open seven days a week during the fall and spring terms. Colie’s Cafe, located in Elizabeth George Hall and also open seven days a week during the fall and spring terms, serves specialty coffees, snacks and light meals. Campus dining may be found in the Golisano Academic Complex, Kearney Dining Hall, and Lourdes Dining Hall. Hours of operation are posted, and may be subject to change based on the academic calendar.

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Health Services

The Health Services staff provides health care for all enrolled graduate students who opt to pay for these services. The fee schedule for this optional service is either $15 per visit (paid at the time of the visit) OR $50 per semester for an unlimited number of visits. Care is provided by a nurse practitioner and registered nurse in collaboration with a physician consultant who is on site for several hours a week. Women’s health services are available by appointment. Limited psychiatric appointments are available after referral from Counseling Services.

Health Services is open from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday during the academic year. Summer hours vary. Students should contact Campus Safety for care options when Health Services is closed.

All students are required to submit a college health form and complete immunization record upon admission to the College. Each student should be covered by health insurance. A sickness/accident policy is available for student purchase.

Please call (585) 389-2500 for additional information.

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Housing Resources

While there is not on-campus housing available for graduate students, the following resources may be used by students to locate housing in the surrounding communities.

  • www.rentrochester.com is a local company that helps people find a place to live. It offers on-line viewing of all properties, on-line applications, and daily updates of new listings. The service is FREE of charge. This site is free to renters, but there is a fee for a property owner to list availabilities. While Rent Rochester is available through the web site, a student may also call by telephone at (585) 325-3640 and ask for Mr. Rich Calabrese.
  • www.igordon.com is a local corporation that owns rental properties. One of their properties is Pittsford Village Estates which is located across the street from Nazareth College off French Road. There typically are 9 apartments available to graduate students of their 115 apartment complex. For further information, call Pittsford Village Estates at (585) 325-3640.
  • Call Ms. Linda Brasley, Secretary, Residential Life Office at (585) 389-2480 to inquire what local listings of apartments and houses have contacted the college with information regarding availability. She will provide students with the current listing.

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Language Houses

Three foreign language houses, La Maison Française, Casa Hispana and Casa Italiana, as well as the German Cultural Center, provide opportunities for undergraduate students to immerse themselves in the cultures of other countries. Students and community supporters of the language houses often organize parties, dinners, film nights and poetry readings throughout the semester for all students - all activities center around the food, music, culture and language of the country the language house represents. La Maison Française is a residence hall for undergraduate students of French; Casa Hispana, Casa Italiana, and the German Cultural Center provide classroom and/or faculty office space.

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Lorette Wilmot Library and Media Center

The staff of the Lorette Wilmot Library and Media Center welcomes the opportunity to assist and instruct students in the effective use of the variety of information systems and resources that have been provided to them. The facility is open over 105 hours per week for research and study during regular terms.

The library print collection includes more than 250,000 volumes along with over 1,600 journal and magazine subscriptions. Additionally, over 15,000 journals and magazines are available electronically in full text through the library’s web site, along with bibliographic databases and selected reference works for each discipline and program.

The Media Center on the lower floor of the building provides CDs, DVDs, videocasettes, computer software, and other media materials. The Center also includes a video editing lab, group study rooms, and multi-media classrooms.

An online catalog enables students to identify materials of interest in the local collections. An online interlibrary loan system facilitates requesting articles and books from other libraries. In addition, graduate students may borrow materials directly from many Rochester area libraries through the ACCESS program. Further information regarding the library and its services may be obtained through the library’s web site: www.naz.edu/dept/library.

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The NazCard is the official Nazareth College identification card for members of the Nazareth College community. The NazCard has the following uses on campus:

  • Dining Services
  • Debit Card
  • Access to Residence Halls
  • Access to Recreation Center
  • Access to Computer Labs
  • Discounts on tickets at the Arts Center
  • Library Card

The NazCard can be used as a debit card - NazBucks - at the Bookstore and at vending machines in Kearney Hall, O’Connor Hall, and the Shults Center.

A minimum deposit of $25 is required to open an account. Opening a NazBucks account or making a deposit to an existing account may be done by mail. Send a check or money order to: Nazareth College, Accounts Payable Office, 4245 East Avenue, Rochester, NY 14618. To make a NazBucks deposit in person, bring deposits to the NazCard Office located in the Campus Safety Office in the Shults Center during extended business hours 8:30am to 10:30pm, Monday - Friday. Checks or money orders only, no cash please. Cash deposits are accepted at the Accounts Payable Office located in Smyth Hall, room 42, during regular business hours, 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday - Friday. Once a NazBucks account has been opened, additional dollars can also be added at the Library.

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NazNet is personalized web technology available for students, faculty, and staff. It is a student’s on-line link to secure information regarding his/her class schedule, grades, financial package, and more. The NazNet system will provide a student with up-to-date information faster than traditional mailings.

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Office of Graduate Student Services

The Office of Graduate Student Services, located in Smyth Hall, Room 147, is the source of general information and the point of contact for the following:

  • catalogs and semester bulletins
  • admission materials and student files
  • class schedules
  • registration information and forms
  • official forms for: registration, course change, transfer credit, name and address change, degree completion, student petition, leave of absence, etc.

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Orientation Programs

Incoming graduate students receive instructions for an orientation program in their admissions packet of materials for new students. Orientation takes place the term prior to beginning graduate course work, and the orientation session includes program advisement and course registration.

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Program Advisement

Advisement is mandatory for all graduate students for purposes of program planning. The Directors of the graduate programs serve as official advisors together with faculty in their respective areas.

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The Office of the Registrar is located on the lower level of Smyth Hall. This office maintains and distributes all official student records, reports, and semester grades, and verifies completed degree requirements.

Official transcripts are sent from institution to institution, upon written authorization from the student. Official transcripts cost $5.00. Student copies are $3.00.

Currently enrolled Nazareth students, along with Nazareth alumni who graduated in May 2003 or later, have the option to order transcripts online via secure server using a credit card. Transcripts can still also be ordered via mail for alumni graduated before May 2003 or those wishing to pay by check; address requests to the Office of the Registar.

Generally, transcripts ordered online will be mailed the next business day; all other transcript orders will be sent within two business days. NOTE: during the first and last two weeks of a semester this process may take as long as two business weeks due to other customer service priorities in the Registrar’s Office.

Upon graduation students receive a complimentary, final student copy of their permanent record.

Specific FERPA regulations are published each semester in the Graduate Studies class schedule brochure, and also in the Academic Policies and Procedures section of this catalog.

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Services for Students with Disabilities

Nazareth College is committed to providing support services and assistance for students with disabilities. An academic counselor for students with disabilities provides support services, including reasonable accommodations, modifications and appropriate services to all students with documented disabilities. The academic counselor will advocate for and assist to resolve any difficulties students with disabilities may encounter.

For additional information please consult the Nazareth College Handbook on Services for Students with Disabilities. Copies of this handbook may be obtained from the Academic Counselor for Students with Disabilities or the Office of Graduate Student Services. The handbook information is also available on the college’s web site of the Academic Advisement Center.

Faculty teaching graduate courses encourage any student with a disability to disclose early on so that reasonable accommodations can be put in place for the student as the term begins.

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The Fall 2004, 431 full-time and 674 part-time students enrolled in a graduate degree program of study at Nazareth College. Nazareth graduate students are as diverse as the number of programs offered. They range in age from 22 - 80 and represent different states across the U.S. and countries around the world. Minority enrollment for graduate students in 2004 was 7.5 percent.

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The Surrounding Area

Pittsford, New York, a suburban village of Rochester, is one hour from Syracuse and Buffalo. Students can walk to Pittsford, on the Erie Canal, with shops, restaurants and all the necessities of life, including stores such as Wegmans and Barnes & Noble. Seven miles away is downtown Rochester. The state’s third largest city, Rochester offers students arts and culture (25 museums, galleries, theaters and musical venues), entertainment (plenty of restaurants and shopping), and lots of other college students (there are 15 colleges and universities in the area).

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Writing Center

The Charles Mills Writing Center offers undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to strengthen their written communication skills. Working individually with students from across the disciplines, Writing Center staff support students at all stages of the writing process. Services are available Monday through Friday at published hours in Golisano Academic Center, Room 495. To schedule an appointment or to obtain further information, students may call (585) 389-2636. Services are free of charge.

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