Mar 10, 2025
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Women and Gender Studies - Major
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The major in Women and Gender Studies is a structured, interdisciplinary academic experience for all students that:
- Develops students’ theoretical knowledge with issues pertainging to sex and gender.
- Prepares students to be active and informed citizens.
- Intentionally and coherently connects interdisciplinary academic coursework with students’ interests in women and gender studies.
- Engages students within community based women and gender studies experiential education.
Required Courses
(18 credits) Women and Gender Studies Electives
(12 credits) Students must take four elective courses in Women and Gender Studies in addition to the core courses. At least three courses must be 300 level or higher. Visit http://www.naz.edu/dept/womensstudies/courses.cfm for the complete elective list or check the attribute pull down menu on NazNet for courses offered during each semester. Students are required to complete FOUR electives that are clustered to represent a coherent focus. This selection should be done in consultation with the student’s Women and Gender Studies advisor. - AHI 359 - PII Women in Art Credits: 3
- ANT 313G - PII Gender and Society Credits: 3
- ANT 330G - PII Anthropology of Dance Credits: 3
- ANT 339G - PII Love in Action Credits: 3
- COMM 410 - Gender, Sexuality, and the Media Credits: 3
- ENGL 145 - PI Shapes of the Imagination: Personal Narrative Credits: 3
- ENGL 314 - 19th Century Women Writers Credits: 3
- ENGL 342 - PII Women in Literature Credits: 3
- ENGL 344 - PII African-American Literature I Credits: 3
- ENGL 345 - PII African-American Literature II Credits: 3
- ENGL 346 - PII Latino/a Literature Credits: 3 to 4
- ENGL 410 - Gender, Sexuality, and the Media Credits: 3
- FRN 402 - 20th Century: Literary Trends Credits: 3
- HIS 317 - PII Strange Brew: Alcohol, Temperence, And Gender in U.S. History Credits: 3
- HIS 320 - PII American Women’s History Credits: 3
- HIS 330G - PII Women and Family in East Asia Credits: 3
- HIS 339G - PII Modern Japan Credits: 3
- HIS 347G - Social History of Medicine and Disease In the Americas, 1780-1960S Credits: 3
- LIT 308G - PII Gay and Lesbian Images in Literature and Film Credits: 3
- LIT 310G - PII Latin American Women Writing in the Margins: Theories of Gender and Sexuality Credits: 3
- MGT 335 - Women in Management Credits: 3
- PHL 280 - PII Feminist Philosophy Credits: 3
- PHL 285 - PII 20th Century Women Philosophers Credits: 3
- PSC 336G - PII Women in the Middle East Credits: 3
- RES 334G - PII Love, Sex, & the Body in World Religions Credits: 3
- SCI 221 - PII Women, Health and Culture Credits: 3
- SOC 313G - PII Gender and Society Credits: 3
- SOC 314 - PII Marriages and Families Credits: 3
- SOC 327 - PII Human Sexual Behavior Credits: 3
- SPN 311 - PII Women’s Literature and Film of Contemporary Spain Credits: 3
- SWK 300G - Diversity, Opression and Justice Credits: 3
- SWK 305 - Human Behavior and Social Environment II Credits: 3
- THA 226 - PII Women in Theatre Credits: 3
- THA 333G - PII Anthropology of Dance Credits: 3
- THA 360G - PII Chinese Theatre Credits: 3
- THA 370 - PII Theatre in England Credits: 3
- WGS 205 - Feminist Praxis Credits: 1
- WGS 300 - Special Topics in Women and Gender Studies Credits: 3
- WGS 301G - PII Latin American Women Writing In the Margins Credits: 3
- WGS 302 - PII Gender & Education Credits: 3
- WGS 311 - PII Women’s Literature and Film of Contemporary Spain Credits: 3
Community-based internships approved by the Director of the major and are 120 hours for one semester. All college policies related to internships apply. Students must be at least a junior and have a 2.5 grade point average. See the Program Director for a list of internship sites. |
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