2011-2012 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Inclusive Education: Early Childhood and Childhood General and Special Education
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Inclusive Early Childhood and Childhood Education Programs (Department of Inclusive Childhood Education)
- Early Childhood, birth-grade 2
- Childhood, grades 1-6
Programs of study:
Initial Certification - for students with no prior teacher certification who seek to obtain their initial teaching certification. The Inclusive Education Programs lead to two certificates simultaneously: (1) education at the early childhood or childhood developmental level; and (2) teaching students with disabilities at the early childhood or childhood developmental level. (see below)
Additional Certification, Same Developmental Level - for students who currently hold a general education certification at a specific developmental level and seek to obtain an additional teaching certificate at the same developmental level for teaching students with disabilities. (see separate program description).
Additional Certification, Changing Developmental Level - for students who currently hold a teaching certificate at one developmental level and seek to obtain an education certificate at another level and a teaching students with disabilities certificate at the new developmental level. (see separate program description).
Professional Certification, Childhood Level - for students who currently hold teaching certificates in both Childhood Education and Teaching Students with Disabilities at the Childhood level, and seek to obtain professional teaching certificates at this developmental level. (see separate program description).
Program Philosophy
The Inclusive Education Programs are committed to the preparation of teachers for all students. We believe that educators can no longer choose to be prepared to teach only some of our students. Increasing numbers of students with disabilities are maintaining or regaining access to general education classrooms, curricula, and statewide assessments. Our programs are designed to provide systematic teacher preparation for the challenges and opportunities of today’s diverse classrooms.
Faculty members share an understanding that inclusion reflects, at both the state and national level as well as within the programs, a shift in philosophy from earlier models of schooling. We believe that the inclusive classroom is the best environment for all learners. Inclusion benefits children and teachers because it mirrors society and encourages learners and teachers to operate from points of strength, not deficit. In these programs the concepts of diversity and inclusivity encompass the following areas: cultural/ethnic, linguistic, social class, learning style and “intelligence/s,” gender, and exceptionalities (including both students who are gifted and talented and students who have disabilities). With this as a guiding vision, the following mission statement frames the programs:
The Inclusive Education Programs seek to prepare teachers who affirm the membership of all students within increasingly diverse classrooms and who are skilled at utilizing learning theory and strategies to address the range of needs of all learners.
The programs prepare educators with:
- the knowledge base necessary to teach in inclusive settings;
- the disposition to value the range of learners in inclusive settings while striving to meet all learner needs;
- and the skills to implement evolving professional practices based on current theory and research.
Course Blocks
Courses should be taken in “blocks” of six credit hours (part-time) or twelve credit hours (full-time). Students must complete each block before they take courses from the next block. Courses will be scheduled to allow students to move though the program at either a part-time rate (6 credit hours per semester) or full-time rate (12 credit hours per semester). Variance from these course loads and the designated blocks of coursework may slow a student’s progress in future semesters since not all courses will be offered each semester. Please refer to the course description section for specific prerequisite and co-requisite requirements for courses.
Please see Annotation and Extensions for information and requirements for Bilingual Extension, Gifted Education Extension, Coordinator of Work-Based Learning Extension, and Severe or Multiple Disabilities Annotation.
Program Directors, Inclusive Education Early Childhood and Childhood Programs
Kathleen DaBoll-Lavoie, Ph.D.
Inclusive Education Programs, Early Childhood
Kerry Dunn, Ed.D.
Inclusive Education Programs, Childhood
Entry Requirements
- Completion of a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution with a cumulative index of 3.0 and a B average in the major field. An applicant who does not meet these grade point average expectations must address them in his/her personal statement; please see the Personal Statement section of the admissions application form for further information.
- Official transcripts.
- Two letters of recommendation.
- Application and fee.
- Completion of the personal-professional statement as described on the application form.
- Resume.
Application Deadlines for Inclusive Education Initial Certification Programs:
(No Summer start available to students pursuing initial certification programs)
April 1 for Fall Term
October 1 for Spring Term
Applications received after the stated deadline will be processed on a space-available basis.
Certification required for admission: None
Program leads to: A recommendation to New York State Education Department for Initial and Professional certifications in Early Childhood or Childhood
A recommendation for Initial and Professional certifications in Teaching Students with Disabilities at Early Childhood level or Childhood level.
Teacher candidates use the NYS TEACH system to apply for Initial and Professional certifications and need to pay the fees in effect at the time they apply. New York requires all teacher candidates to have a fingerprint/background check on file with TEACH, pass all appropriate New York State Teacher Certification Examinations <www.nystce.nesinc.com> and have the appropriate years of teaching experience. New York State Education Department maintains a website with certification requirements: http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/
During a teacher candidate’s final semester, information on the application process will be sent via email. Additional support may be obtained by contacting the Nazareth College Teacher Certification Office at (585)389-2592 or 2591, or via e-mail gpotemp2@naz.edu or chill0@naz.edu, or online at www.naz.edu/dept/edu/certification.cfm.
Entry Requirements
- Completion of a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution with a cumulative index of 3.0 and a B average in the major field. An applicant who does not meet these grade point average expectations must address them in his/her personal statement; please see the Personal Statement section of the admissions application form for further information.
- Official transcripts.
- Two letters of recommendation.
- Application and fee.
- Completion of the personal-professional statement as described on the application form.
- Resume.
- Copy of verification of teacher certification from the TEACH system.
Application Deadlines for Inclusive Education Additional/Professional Certification Programs:
March 1 for Summer Term (Note: Summer start available ONLY to students pursuing additional/professional certification programs)
April 1 for Fall Term
October 1 for Spring Term
Applications received after the stated deadline will be processed on a space-available basis.
Additional Certification, Same Developmental Levels in Early Childhood and Childhood
Certification required for admission: General education certification at the same developmental level as certification sought (Early Childhood or Childhood Level).
Program leads to: A recommendation to New York State Education Department for an additional Initial/Professional certification in Teaching Students with Disabilities at Early Childhood level or Childhood level
Professional certification in the area(s) of certification held at the time of entrance to the graduate program through the application process.
Teacher candidates use the NYS TEACH system to apply for Initial and Professional certifications and need to pay the fees in effect at the time they apply. New York requires all teacher candidates to have a fingerprint/background check on file with TEACH, pass all appropriate New York State Teacher Certification Examinations <www.nystce.nesinc.com> and have the appropriate years of teaching experience. New York State Education Department maintains a website with certification requirements: http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/
During a teacher candidate’s final semester, information on the application process will be sent via email. Additional support may be obtained by contacting the Nazareth College Teacher Certification Office at (585)389-2592 or 2591, or via e-mail gpotemp2@naz.edu or chill0@naz.edu, or online at www.naz.edu/dept/edu/certification.cfm.
Additional Certification, Changing Developmental Levels in Early Childhood and Childhood
Certification required for admission: Any teaching certification at a different developmental level than certification sought.
Program leads to: A recommendation to New York State Education Department for an additional Initial/Professional certification in Early Childhood or Childhood
A recommendation for an additional Initial/Professional certification in Teaching Students with Disabilities at Early Childhood level or Childhood level
Professional certification in the area(s) of certification held at the time of entrance to the graduate program through the application process.
Initial/Professional certification for an annotation or extension upon completion of appropriate coursework (see Annotation and Extensions section for additional information on annotation/extension requirements).
Teacher candidates use the NYS TEACH system to apply for Initial and Professional certifications and need to pay the fees in effect at the time they apply. New York requires all teacher candidates to have a fingerprint/background check on file with TEACH, pass all appropriate New York State Teacher Certification Examinations <www.nystce.nesinc.com> and have the appropriate years of teaching experience. New York State Education Department maintains a website with certification requirements: http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/
During a teacher candidate’s final semester, information on the application process will be sent via email. Additional support may be obtained by contacting the Nazareth College Teacher Certification Office at (585)389-2592 or 2591, or via e-mail gpotemp2@naz.edu or chill0@naz.edu, or online at www.naz.edu/dept/edu/certification.cfm.
Professional Certification in Childhood Education
Certification required for admission: Initial certifications in Childhood Education and Teaching Students with Disabilities at the Childhood level
Program leads to: A recommendation to New York State Education Department for Professional certifications in Childhood Education and a recommendation for Teaching Students with Disabilities at the Childhood level
Teacher candidates use the NYS TEACH system to apply for Initial and Professional certifications and need to pay the fees in effect at the time they apply. New York requires all teacher candidates to have a fingerprint/background check on file with TEACH, pass all appropriate New York State Teacher Certification Examinations <www.nystce.nesinc.com> and have the appropriate years of teaching experience. New York State Education Department maintains a website with certification requirements: http://www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/
During a teacher candidate’s final semester, information on the application process will be sent via email. Additional support may be obtained by contacting the Nazareth College Teacher Certification Office at (585)389-2592 or 2591, or via e-mail gpotemp2@naz.edu or chill0@naz.edu, or online at www.naz.edu/dept/edu/certification.cfm.
Prerequisite Admission Requirements for Initial and Changing Certification, Inclusive Education Programs:
As required by the New York State Education Department, the following are liberal arts prerequisites for the Inclusive Education Programs: Initial and Changing Level Certification at Nazareth College. A complete transcript review of previous studies will be conducted to ascertain that each applicant meets the prerequisite admission requirements. Application materials will be reviewed by the Graduate Education Admissions Committee regardless of the number of credit hours of deficiencies. All liberal arts deficiencies must be successfully completed with a grade of C or higher and a total cumulative grade point average of 2.7. Official transcript(s) must be on file in the Office of Graduate Student Services. For further information, please refer to Admission Status Types on the application form.
For New York State Teacher Certification through Nazareth College
A total of at least 60 semester credit hours in the Liberal Arts and Sciences, including:
- Liberal Arts or Sciences: Major or concentration of at least 30 semester credit hours (with at least 12 credit hours at the upper division level); a B average in the major field.
- English: minimum 6 credit hours.
- Mathematics and Science: minimum 9 credit hours (with at least 3 credit hours in each area).
- Social Studies: minimum 6 credit hours from History, Geography, Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology, or Economics.
- Language other than English: minimum 3 credit hours.
- Evidence of basic knowledge/skills in information technology.
Changing Certification Levels: applies to students currently holding certification in Art Education, Business Education, Music Education, Speech and Hearing, Home and Careers, Health, Physical Education, Special Education, or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages - may enroll in early childhood or childhood with advisement.
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