Sep 27, 2024  
2006-2007 Undergraduate Catalog 
2006-2007 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course List



  • MUS 326 - Composition II

    A continuation of Mus 325, focusing on the development of the student’s particular musical language.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 343 - Diction III

    Instruction in the reading of texts in French through the use of IPA symbols. Emphasis in texts set by French composers.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 371 - Choral Conducting

    Continuation of Mus 272; emphasis in choral conducting problems; laboratory experience in conducting choral works with and without accompaniment.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AFJ
    Prereq: MUS 272
    Coreq: MUS 371L

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 372 - Instrumental Conducting

    This course is designed to teach the student conducting skills appropriate for instrumental ensembles, to further develop psychomotor skills, to assist the student in choosing the appropriate gesture for each conducting situation, and to teach instrumental score reading skills. Laboratory experience in conducting band.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AFH
    Prereq: MUS 272, MUS 371
    Coreq: MUS 371L

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 382 - PII Survey of African American Music

    (Perspectives II course) Course concentrates on the musical tradition of African-Americans and is shaped as an historical survey. Includes study of African chants, the work songs of slavery, spirituals, jazz forms and the contributions of African-Americans to the classical music Western tradition in the United States.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: NR
    Prereq: any PI in Fine Arts

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 411 - Medieval/Renaissance Music History & Literature

    An in-depth study of music from Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance. Students will be encouraged to increase their familiarity with repertoire, style, genres, performance practices, analytical methods, and cultural contexts through various small, independent research projects and presentations, as assigned by the instructor. A larger term project may be an option. Students will be expected to participate regularly in class discussions, analyses, and responses to class presentations. Reading, writing, verbal presentation, and critical skills emphasized.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 412 - Baroque Music History & Literature

    An in-depth study of vocal and instrumental music from c.1600 to the mid-Eighteenth century, with special emphasis on the evolution of new forms. Students will be encouraged to increase their familiarity with repertoire, style, genres, performance practices, analytical methods, and cultural contexts through various small, independent research projects and presentations, as assigned by the instructor. A larger term project may be an option. Students will be expected to participate regularly in class discussions, analyses, and responses to class presentations. Reading, writing, verbal presentation, and critical skills emphasized.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 413 - Classical Era Music History & Literature

    A study of the Rococo and Classical composers (1740-1800), showing the influence of the Enlightenment on European art and music, with emphasis on listening and class performance.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 414 - Romantic Era Music History & Literature

    An intensive study of the repertoire and cultural context of nineteenth century music. Genres, styles, and compositional practice will be discussed, as well as the development of the discipline of music history and criticism. Students will be expected to participate regularly in class discussions, listening sessions, group analyses, and responses to class presentations. Small, independent research projects will be assigned by the instructor, with the possibility of one larger term project. Reading, writing, verbal presentation, and critical skills emphasized.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 415 - 20th Century Music History & Literature

    Historical and stylistic study of the mainstreams of 20th-century music from Stravinsky and Schoenberg to the present.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ACH

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 416 - Seminar in Special Topics

    This course will require the student to engage in original research in some topic in music history, using primary sources in the Nazareth College Library and/or at the Sibley Music Library of the Eastman School of Music. The resulting paper should be of publishable quality or demonstrate the student’s aptitude and readiness to pursue a career in academic music and research.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 423 - Form and Analysis I

    Development of techniques for understanding traditional musical structures from simple binary to concerto forms, as found in the music of the Classical masters.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 224

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 424 - Form and Analysis II

    The transition from tonal music of Brahms, Chopin, and Wagner to systematic atonality in works of Schoenberg and Webern; the replacement of tonally generated forms by those based on other types of order; aesthetics of music after tonality.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 224

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 425 - Composition III

    A continuation of MUS 325-326.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 426 - Composition IV

    A continuation of MUS 325-326.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 431 - Keyboard Pedagogy I

    Intensive survey and evaluation of the educational philosophies behind the currently used methods for teaching piano in both private and group situations; practical aspects of setting up a private studio, use of technology, and the sequential presentation and development of music skills and concepts from the beginning level to the advanced. Weekly observation of experienced teachers in the Nazareth Community Music Program. Discussion of pedagogical problems and solutions.

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 432 - Keyboard Pedagogy II

    Intensive survey and evaluation of the educational philosophies behind the currently used methods for teaching piano in both private and group situations; practical aspects of setting up a private studio, use of technology, and the sequential presentation and development of music skills and concepts from the beginning level to the advanced. Weekly observation of experienced teachers in the Nazareth Community Music Program. Discussion of pedagogical problems and solutions.

    Credits: 2
  • MUS 433 - Accompanying

    The art of accompanying a soloist (vocal or instrumental) or an instrumental ensemble; practical experience with supervision.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: F

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 441 - Vocal Pedagogy I

    An in-depth discussion of basic vocal techniques and their communication. The course will include supervised practice teaching in the Nazareth Community Music Program.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: F

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 442 - Vocal Pedagogy II

    An in-depth discussion of basic vocal techniques and their communication. The course will include supervised practice teaching in the Nazareth Community Music Program.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: F

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 451 - Instrumental Pedagogy I

    Readings and study of historical and scientific background of the instrument. Evaluation of methods of instruction; methods for development of techniques; graded teaching materials. Supervised practice teaching in the Department of Music’s Preparatory Division.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 452 - Instrumental Pedagogy II

    Readings and study of historical and scientific background of the instrument. Evaluation of methods of instruction; methods for development of techniques; graded teaching materials. Supervised practice teaching in the Nazareth Community Music Program.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 461 - Studio Teaching I

    Studio teaching is supervised practice teaching in the Nazareth Community Music Program.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 462 - Studio Teaching II

    Studio teaching is supervised practice teaching in the Nazareth Community Music Program.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: F

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 485 - Independent Study

    Study of an area of special interest under the direction of a faculty member.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 486 - Independent Study

    Study of an area of special interest under the direction of a faculty member.

    Credits: 3
  • MUX 277 - Guitar Proficiency Exam

    Tests ability in functional guitar. Required of music therapy majors.

    Credits: 0
  • MUX 278 - Sight-Singing Proficiency Exam

    Tests the ability to sing with tonal and rhythmic accuracy at sight. Music education majors must pass it prior to student teaching.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: J

    Credits: 0
  • MUX 279 - Keyboard Proficiency Exam

    Passing this is a graduation requirement for all Music majors. Normally a student takes the exam in the sophomore year. Music Education majors must pass it prior to student teaching.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: J

    Credits: 0
  • MUX 296 - Sophomore Qualifying Recital: Keyboard/Guitar

    Credits: 0
  • MUX 297 - Sophomore Qualifying Recital: Voice/Band/Orchestra

    Credits: 0
  • MUX 493 - Honors Recital Keyboard Guitar

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 0
  • MUX 494 - Honors Recital Voice Band Orchestra Half

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 0
  • MUX 495 - Honors Recital Voice Band Orchestra Full

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 0
  • MUX 496 - Senior Recital Keyboard Guitar

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 0
  • MUX 497 - Senior Recital Voice Band Orchestra Half

    Comprehensive survey of the relationship of music performance, music theory, and music history. Also work in the area of music education and music therapy.

    Credits: 0
  • MUX 498 - Senior Recital Voice Band Orchestra Full

    A senior recital is required of all music majors irrespective of program; specifics relating to the senior recital vary as to program and are detailed in the Music Department Handbook.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: F
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 0
  • MUX 499 - Music Comprehensive Exam

    The comprehensive examination is a college-wide requirement for graduation. Details for Music are given in the Music Department Handbook.

    Credits: 0

Music Education

  • MED 101 - Orientation to Music Education

    Discussion and experiences in basic concepts of music education including the who, what, and how of teaching music. Group visits to music classrooms included and part of the semester’s experiences

    Credits: 0
  • MED 102 - Introduction to Music Education

    An exploration of various aspects of the music teaching profession with an emphasis placed on practical approaches to teaching both in the classroom and rehearsal settings.  Topics include becoming a music teacher, developing tools for teaching, implementing the National Standards as well as overviews of early childhood music education, diverse learners and developing a philosophy of music education.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AFJ
    Prereq: MED 101

    Credits: 1.5
  • MED 103 - Percussion Techniques I

    Introduction to the techniques, teaching methods, maintenance and nomenclature of the standard percussion instruments.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Additional course fee required.

    Credits: 1
  • MED 104 - Percussion Techniques II

    Emphasis on techniques and teaching methods of the melodic percussion.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AFJ
    Prereq: MED 103
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 1
  • MED 105 - Brass Techniques I

    Basic instruction and pedagogy for trumpet.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AFJ
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 1
  • MED 106 - Brass Techniques II

    Basic instruction and pedagogy for F horn, Trombone, Euphonium, and Tuba. Required for instrumental emphasis music education majors.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prereq: MED 105 or approval of instructor
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 1
  • MED 203 - Woodwind Techniques I

    Basic instruction and pedagogy for clarinet and saxophone.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AFJ
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 1
  • MED 204 - Woodwind Techniques II

    Basic instruction and pedagogy for flute, oboe & bassoon. Required for instrumental emphasis music education majors.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AFJ
    Prereq: MED 203 or approval of instructor
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 1
  • MED 205 - String Techniques I

    Basic instruction and pedagogy for violin.

    Credits: 1
  • MED 206 - String Techniques II

    Basic instruction and pedagogy for viola, cello & bass.  Required for instrumental emphasis music education majors.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AFJ
    Prereq: MED 203 or approval of instructor
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 1
  • MED 299 - Orientation to the Professional Semester

    Preparation of a professional portfolio for student teaching including completion of the student teaching application and resume.

    Credits: 0
  • MED 301 - Secondary Music Education Methods

    Teaching music at the middle school and high school levels. Topics include the following: administrative and professional roles of the music educator; curriculum surveys; assessment; public relations and communication processes between school, home and community; using technology for research, organizational skills and teaching; and methods for teaching literacy skills for the adolescent. A 25-hour field placement in a secondary school music program is required and provides opportunity for guided observation, teaching and feedback. Students also study guitar one day per week.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prereq:  MED 102 
    Requires 25 hours of observation during the public school day.

    Credits: 3
  • MED 302 - Elementary Music Education Methods

    Teaching classroom music at the primary and intermediate levels based on the national and state standards for music education. Includes attention to literacy skills for children; formal and informal methods of assessing student learning and teaching practices; and the rights and responsibilities of the music educator. A 25-hour field placement in an elementary school music program is required and provides opportunities for guided observation, teaching and feedback.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AFJ
    Prereq: MED 301
    Requires 25 hours of observation during the public school day.

    Credits: 3
  • MED 401 - Special Education Methods

    A survey of music education and music therapy materials, methods and techniques to facilitate successful inclusion of special learners in the music classroom, lessons and ensembles. Taken concurrently with MED 403 and MED 465.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prereq: MED 301, 302

    Credits: 1
  • MED 403 - Seminar in School Music

    A senior seminar in the interaction of theory and practice in public school music today. Ethical issues, professional development and the applications of music computer software are included. Taken concurrently with MED 401 and MED 465.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prereq: MED 301, 302

    Credits: 4
  • MED 408 - Psychological Foundations of Education

    A study and application of the basic principles of teaching and learning through course work and a 20-hour field experience. The emphasis is on understanding what successful inclusive learning environments are for all learners in music classrooms. Topics include child and adolescent development; including language development; learning theories; motivation; classroom management; learner differences and exceptionalities; and assessment.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: HJR
    Open to Music Education majors only.
    20 hours of fieldwork required in Greater Rochester Area schools during daytime instruction in PreK-12 classrooms. Placements made by Instructor. Students provide own transportation.

    Credits: 3
  • MED 465 - Student Teaching

    Two student teaching placements in vocal/general/ instrumental music; one at the elementary level and one at the secondary level. Taken with MED 401 and MED 403. Required for music certification at Nazareth College.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prereq: MED 301, MED 302

    Credits: 6

Music Theatre

  • MTHA 260 - Musical Theatre Performance I

    Integration of basic vocal, musical, and acting skills through the American musical theatre repertoire in a performance setting. Emphasis on the discovery and process of the singer-actor, development of analytic and interpretive abilities through solo pieces, and basic audition techniques.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AGS

    Prereqs: THA 120, THA 140

    Credits: 3
  • MTHA 285 - Dance History

    This course will study both the history and philosophy of dance and explore the relationship of dance to allied arts. It will cover the three primary theatrical dance forms and the major artists in each to understand dance both as a theatrical event as well as a reflection and determinant of culture.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ADV Codes: ACR

    Prereqs: THA 120

    Credits: 3
  • MTHA 360 - Musical Theatre Performance II

    Continuation and strengthening of vocal, musical, acting, and movement integration through the American musical theatre repertoire. Emphasis on duet and ensemble literature, the transitional moment when speech turns to song, and audition portfolios.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ADV Codes: AGS

    Prereqs: MTHA 260

    Credits: 3

Music Therapy

  • MTR 102 - Introduction to Music Therapy

    An orientation to the historical background and philosophical bases of music therapy and functions of the music therapist as a health-field professional. Prerequisite for major and for all other music therapy courses.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: A

    Credits: 1
  • MTR 201 - Principles of Music Therapy

    Development of the accountability procedures needed in music therapy, including assessment, treatment and evaluation. The course will focus on writing appropriate music therapy goals and objectives, measuring client progress.

    Credits: 3
  • MTR 202 - Methods and Materials in Music Therapy

    Course will provide skills in developing therapeutic, goal-oriented music experiences, and will increase skills with certain social instruments.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AF

    Credits: 3
  • MTR 302 - Psychology of Music

    Science of psychology related to the fundamentals of the music experience. The musical mind, sensory capacities, individual differences and the psychology of listening are pursued through the empirical literature.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AF

    Credits: 3
  • MTR 331 - Pre-Clinic I

    Field work in which experience is gained in facilitating music therapy sessions with music therapists in local clinical facilities. Weekly seminars with registered music therapy faculty. Two hours direct clinical service, one-hour seminar weekly.

    Credits: 1
  • MTR 332 - PreClinic II

    Field work in which experience is gained in facilitating music therapy sessions with music therapists in local clinical facilities. Weekly seminars with registered music therapy faculty. Two hours direct clinical service, one hour seminar weekly.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AF
    Additional course fee required.

    Credits: 1
  • MTR 401 - Influence of Music on Behavior

    A study of environmental, cultural, sociological, and musical influences on behavior; an overview of music techniques that therapeutically influence human behavior; an introduction to reading and critiquing empirical studies in music.

    Credits: 3
  • MTR 402 - Music in Therapy

    Survey of the literature in music therapy and of psychological theories and their relationship to applied music therapy; an introduction to group processes and a look at the specific functions of the music therapist.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AF

    Credits: 3
  • MTR 403 - Research in Music Therapy

    This course will focus on research methods useful in everyday clinic work.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AF

    Credits: 2
  • MTR 431 - Pre-Clinic III

    Field work in which experience is gained in facilitating music therapy sessions with music therapists in local clinical facilities. Weekly seminars with registered music therapy faculty. Two hours direct clinical service, one-hour seminar weekly.

    Credits: 1
  • MTR 432 - Pre-Clinic IV

    Field work in which experience is gained in facilitating music therapy sessions with music therapists in local clinical facilities. Weekly seminars with registered music therapy faculty. Two hours direct clinical service, one hour seminar weekly.

    Credits: 1
  • MTR 483 - Music Therapy Internship

    Six-month, 1040-hour internship at an AMTA approved clinical training center. Application is made upon departmental approval. Internship must be completed within two years after graduation to become eligible to take the national certification examination.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AF
    Required course work must be completed before entering the internship.

    Credits: 0


  • NSG 201 - Intro Transcultural Nursing

    Provides an overview of the transcultural nursing framework. Explores the importance of transcultural nursing in contemporary society and identifies the key components of cultural competence.

    Credits: 2
  • NSG 209 - Clinical Pharmacology

    Course examines various pharmaceutical agents administered in health care settings. Pharmaceutical, pharmokinetic, and pharmacodynamic components of drug actions will be reviewed. Specific pharmaceutical agents, their actions, indications, side effects, interactions, contraindications, precautions, dosages, and methods of administration will be examined.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prereq: BIO 150
    Pre or Co-req: BIO 151
    Additional fee for Online Tutorial Required

    Credits: 3
  • NSG 301 - Foundations of Transcultural Nursing

    Students explore and develop the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed for cultural competence. Therapeutic communication, teaching-learning principles, and health promotion are central aspects of the course.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prereq: BIO 150, NSG 201
    Pre or Co-req: BIO 151,NSG 329

    Credits: 3
  • NSG 301L - Foundations of Transcultural Nursing Lab

    Students explore and develop the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed for cultural competence. Therapeutic communication, teaching-learning principles, and health promotion are central aspects of the course.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Co-req: NSG 301

    Credits: 2
  • NSG 304 - Care of Adults/Older Adults I

    Addresses the knowledge and skills required to provide culturally competent nursing care to adults and older adults with acute and chronic health problems.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prereq: NSG 301, NSG 329

    Credits: 3
  • NSG 304L - Care of Adults/Older Adults Lab

    Addresses the knowledge and skills required to provide culturally competent nursing care to adults and older adults with acute and chronic health problems.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Co-req: NSG 304
    Additional fee for Online Tutorial Required

    Credits: 2
  • NSG 323 - Nursing in a Multicultural Society

    Facilitates transition from previous nursing education and practice to the baccalaureate role. Examination of contemporary nursing roles and systems. The forces which have shaped nursing and continue to shape it are studied. The development of transcultural nursing as a discipline is addressed.

    Credits: 3
  • NSG 327 - Clinical Decision Making in a Multicultural Society

    Examination of selected physiological systems across the lifespan using clinical decision making with an emphasis on multicultural nursing in selected nursing systems.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AF

    Credits: 3
  • NSG 329 - Health Assessment

    Explores the concept of health and health assessment within the professional nursing role. Specific skills of physical, psychological, and sociocultural assessment are taught and practiced.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AF
    Prereq: BIO 150
    Coreq: NSG 323, NSG 329L, BIO 151 
    4 year major
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 2
  • NSG 329L - Health Assessment Lab

    Explores the concept of health and health assessment within the professional nursing role. Specific skills of physical, psychological, and sociocultural assessment are taught and practiced. There is a Clinical Insurance Fee of $35 for this course.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AF
    Prerequisites: BIO 150
    Corequisites: NSG 323, NSG329, BIO 151
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 1
  • NSG 336 - Health in a Changing Society

    Analysis of the meaning of health in society and the effectiveness of the U.S. health care delivery system. Issues of access, cost, and quality are explored. Role of culture as a determinant of health seeking behavior, advocacy, and health education is examined.

    Credits: 3
  • NSG 337 - Maternity and Women’s Health Care

    Concentrates on the nursing care of women from menarche to menopause with a primary focus on childbearing. Basic concepts of normal and abnormal anatomy and physiology of pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum will be addressed. The application of a transcultural nursing process in family-centered childbirth, women’s health promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention will be studied.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Code: A
    Prereq: BIO 151/151L, NSG 201
    Coreq: NSG 209, 329/329L, NSG 337L

    Credits: 2
  • NSG 337L - Maternity and Women’s Health Care Lab

    Concentrates on the nursing care of women from menarche to menopause with a primary focus on childbearing. Basic concepts of normal and abnormal anatomy and physiology of pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum will be addressed. The application of a transcultural nursing process in family-centered childbirth, women’s health promotion, risk reduction and prevention will be studied.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Code: A
    Co-requisite: NSG 209, 329/329L, 337
    Clinical assignment is off campus
    Additional fee for Online Tutorial Required

    Credits: 1
  • NSG 341 - Care of Infants, Children and Adolescent

    Addresses nursing care for clients/patients from birth through adolescents who are well, acutely ill, chronically ill, and disabled. The main perspective is that of children within the context of families. In addition, a transcultural perspective is adopted where various ethnic groups are examined in terms of their health and parenting practices. Nursing measures to insure health promotion, disease prevention, and health restoration are all emphasized.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Code: A
    Prereq: NSG 209
    Coreq: NSG 329/329L; NSG 304/304L

    Credits: 3
  • NSG 341L - Care of Infants, Children and Adolescent Lab

    Addresses nursing care for clients/patients from birth through adolescence who are well, acutely ill, chronically ill, and disabled. The main perspective is that of children within the context of families. In addition, a transcultural perspective is adopted where various ethnic groups are examined in terms of their health and parenting practices. Nursing measures to insure health promotion, disease prevention and health restoration are all emphasized.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Code: A
    Prereq: NSG 209
    Coreq: NSG 329/329L, 304/304L, 341
    Held at clinical site
    Additional fee for Online Tutorial Required

    Credits: 2
  • NSG 350 - Evidence-based Practice for Clinicians

    Course trains nurses to use evidence-based research in clinical practice. Students are given the opportunity to gain knowledge about the research process, and to develop beginning skills necessary to evaluate research findings with the goal of motivating students to use research findings in a variety of cultural contexts in practice settings.

    Credits: 3
  • NSG 404 - Care of Adults/Older Adults II

    Provision of cultural competent nursing care to adults and older adults with complex health problems; interdisciplinary health care, case management, quality management, and advocacy are explored.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prereq: NSG 301, NSG 329

    Credits: 3
  • NSG 404L - Care of Adults/Older Adults II Lab

    Provision of cultural competent nursing care to adults and older adults with complex health problems; interdisciplinary health care, case management, quality management and advocacy are explored.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Coreq: NSG 404
    Additional fee for Online Tutorial Required

    Credits: 2
  • NSG 406 - Mental Health Nursing in a Multicultural Society

    Emphasis on transcultural mental health care to individuals; analysis of wide variability in expression of symptoms, interpretations, explanations, and expectations associated with mental health and mental illness; exploration of the potential that interactive processes and communication have for facilitating effective transcultural mental health care.

    Credits: 3
  • NSG 406L - Mental Health Nursing in a Multicultural Society Lab

    Provision of transcultural health care to individuals is the emphasis of this course. Analyze the wide variability in expression of  symptoms, interpretations, explanations, and expectations associated with mental health and mental illness. Explore the potential that interactive processes and communication have for facilitating effective transcultural mental health care.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Pre-requisites: NSG 209, NSG 329, NSG 329L, NSG 404, NSG 404L
    Additional fee for Online Tutorial Required

    Credits: 2
  • NSG 425 - Community Health Nursing in a Multicultural Society

    Aggregates, groups, and communities are the focus of study as students identify the role of the professional nurse in promoting, maintaining, and restoring health.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AF

    Credits: 3
  • NSG 426 - Community Health Promotion

    This is the health promotion portion of the clinical practicum for community health nursing. This experience offers students an opportunity to identify the health promotion needs of an aggregate and participate in delivering a health promoting program.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prereq: NSG 325, NSG 327, NSG 329, NSG 425

    Credits: 1
  • NSG 427L - Community Health Home Care Lab

    Care of individuals and families in a community home care setting is the focus of this clinical practice course. There is a Clinical Insurance Fee of $35 for this course.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prereq: NSG 323, 329/329L

    Credits: 2
  • NSG 433 - Nursing Leadership in a Multicultural Society

    Students learn the professional nurse role as a leader and manager in a variety of systems, in order to manage client care and work for the advancement of the profession and the health of society.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prereq: NSG 323, NSG 329/329L
    Pre or co-req: NSG 425
    Additional fee for Online Tutorial Required

    Credits: 3
  • NSG 434 - Leadership and Management Practicum

    Credits: 3
  • NSG 435L - Senior Clinical Experience in a Multicultural Society

    Purpose of course is to immerse the student in an experience of practice with a multicultural population as a registered nurse. As the final clinical experience it is designed individually to allow the student the opportunity to have a concentrated experience of transcultural nursing practice. There is a Clinical Insurance Fee of $35 for this course.

    Credits: 2
  • NSG 476 - Health, Society and Nursing: Multidisciplinary Perspective

    In senior seminar, students explore the connections between health, society, and nursing, using a multidisciplinary perspective, including selected research studies from nursing and other disciplines. Students examine selected trends impacting on the future of the nursing profession and their careers within professional nursing.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AFR
    Prereq: MTH 207 NSG 329/329L, NSG 336K , SOC 352,
    Coreq: NSG 406, 425 or 433. Hours may be modified to accommodate museum visits and guest speakers.

    Credits: 3
  • NSG 499 - Nursing Comprehensive

    Credits: 0


  • PHL 101 - PI Logic and Inquiry

    (Perspectives I course) An introduction to Aristotelian and Stoic logic with a view to understanding the nature of logic and its role in inquiry.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABR

    Normal Offering Cycle: Fall, Spring and Summer

    Credits: 3
  • PHL 201 - PII Logic and Inquiry II

    (Perspectives II course) An introduction to “material logic,” that is, an exploration of the different kinds of knowing–demonstrative, dialectical, rhetorical and intuitive–achieved in human inquiry, and the relation of logic to each of them. All discussions are set within the context of an investigation of the nature of education, as distinct from training or indoctrination.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABR
    Prereq: PHL 101

    Normal Offering Cycle: Fall and Spring

    Credits: 3

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