Sep 27, 2024  
2006-2007 Undergraduate Catalog 
2006-2007 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course List



  • MTH 201 - Introduction to Mathematical Structures

    (Writing Intensive) An introduction to advanced mathematical language, literature, logic, composition, theorem proving, and problem-solving. Prerequisite for many upper division mathematics courses.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABR    
    Prereq: MTH 114 with a C grade or better, or permission of instructor.

    Normal Offering Cycle: Fall

    Credits: 3
  • MTH 205 - PII Mathematical Connections

    (Perspectives II course) This course emphasizes the connections between contemporary mathematics and modern society by developing students’ quantitative reasoning and logical thinking skills. A variety of applications from areas such as operations research, game theory, social choice, and fair division are used to illustrate the power of mathematics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: NR
    Prereq: any PI in Mathematics

    Credits: 3
  • MTH 207 - PII Elementary Statistics

    (Perspectives II course) This is a course for non-mathematics majors. The course emphasizes basic understanding of statistical concepts. Students learn how to organize and analyze data, design samples, compute and analyze correlation and regression lines, compute and analyze confidence intervals and perform hypothesis tests. Emphasis is placed on the analysis.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: NR
    Prereq: any PI in Mathematics

    Normal Offering Cycle: Fall/Spring

    Credits: 3
  • MTH 213 - PII Calculus III

    (Perspectives II course) This course is a detailed study of the calculus of functions of several variables, partial differentiation, multiple integrals, optimization, vector calculus, and their applications.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: MTH 114 with a C grade or better

    Normal Offering Cycle: Fall/Spring

    Credits: 4
  • MTH 215 - PII Exploring Mathematics

    (Perspectives II course) In this course, students reflect on human mathematical development and link that knowledge to the developmental level of a learner. The student will investigate such human factors as memory, knowing, language, logic and aptitude as they relate to learning mathematics. Specifically the mathematical topics covered include logical classification, numeration systems, Euclidean geometry, topology and measurement. Not open to freshmen.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BHR
    Prereq: EDU 204 or take concurrently and any PI in Mathematics

    Normal Offering Cycle: Fall/Spring

    Credits: 3
  • MTH 302 - Differential Equations

    This course provides a mathematically rigorous introduction to the theory, techniques and applications of ordinary differential equations. Solutions of first and second order differential equations are presented, as well as solutions to systems of equations and series solutions. The course examines a variety of applications in the physical, biological and social sciences.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: R
    Prereq: MTH 213 with a C grade or better

    Credits: 3
  • MTH 304 - Probability and Statistics

    A calculus based course covering standard topics in probability and statistics. The topics in probability include: discrete and continuous probability density functions, independence and dependence, combinatorics, random variables, distribution and density functions, and expectation. The topics in statistics include: sampling, distributions and data analysis, estimation, inference, regression, correlation, and analysis of variance.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AR
    Prereq: MTH 201 with a C grade or better or permission of instructor

    Normal Offering Cycle: Fall

    Credits: 3
  • MTH 309G - History of Mathematics

    (Global Course) This course uses writing, original sources, and discussion to discuss the development of elementary and advanced mathematics in a variety of cultures.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: R  
    Prereq: MTH 201 with a C grade or better, or permission of the instructor
    Multicultural Studies Minor Course

    Normal Offering Cycle: Fall

    Credits: 3
  • MTH 312 - Linear Algebra

    This course covers Vector spaces, systems of linear equations (both real and abstract) linear transformations and matrices, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AR
    Prereq: MTH 201 with a C grade or better or permission of instructor

    Normal Offering Cycle: Spring

    Credits: 3
  • MTH 314 - Introduction to Probability

    Topics in this course include counting techniques, axiomatic probability theory; discrete and continuous sample spaces; random variables, distribution functions, probability density and mass functions; expectation; moment-generating functions; normal, binomial, and Poisson distributions; and covers joint and continuous distributions.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: R
    Prereq: MTH 201 with a C grade or better

    Credits: 3
  • MTH 320 - Numerical Analysis

    Topics include error analysis, Taylor polynomials, interpolation, approximation of functions, numerical integration and differentiation, solutions of systems of linear equations, numerical solutions of differential equations, and other topics as time permits. Intensive use of computer software is an integral part of this class.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Code: R
    Prereq: MTH 201 with a C grade or better

    Credits: 3
  • MTH 390 - Special Topics in Mathematics

    Choice of topics reflects the special interest of students and instructors. Examples are chaos and fractals, topology, complex variables, game theory. May involve undergraduate research.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: R
    Prereq: MTH 201 with a C grade or better or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3
  • MTH 399 - Seminar in Problem Solving

    Students will be actively involved in investigating collections of non-routine problems from a variety of sources.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AR
    Prereq: Linear Algebra and Junior status or permission of instructor

    Normal Offering Cycle: Spring

    Credits: 1
  • MTH 413 - Real Analysis

    This course provides a mathematically rigorous introduction to the analysis of real-valued functions of one variable. Real Analysis is an in-depth study of the real numbers as complete, ordered field. Topics include, but are not limited to, continuity and compactness, the intermediate value and extreme value theorems, Bolzano/Weierstrass, Heine/Borel theorems; monotone convergence, convergence and uniform convergence of sequences of continuous functions, differentiation and the mean value theorem.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: R   
    Prereq: MTH 201 and MTH 213 both a with C grade or better

    Normal Offering Cycle: Alternate Springs

    Credits: 3
  • MTH 414 - Modern Algebra

    Algebraic structures, groups, rings, integral domains, fields, polynomial rings.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: R
    Prereq: MTH 201 with a C grade or better

    Normal Offering Cycle: Alternate Springs

    Credits: 3
  • MTH 415 - Number Theory

    Number theory is a study of the properties of the integers. Topics include divisibility, factorization, numerical functions, algebra of congruence classes, Diophantine equations, primitave roots,  and quadratic reciprocity. Applications in cryptography, primality testing, and zeta functions as time allows.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: R
    Prereq: MTH 201W with a C grade or better

    Normal Offering Cycle: Spring

    Credits: 3
  • MTH 417 - Foundations of Geometry

    A study of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries. Focus is on the axiomatic method and the significance of the discovery of non-Euclidean geometry. Students investigate various aspects and applications of geometry and related mathematical topics through projects.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: R
    Prereq: MTH 201 with a C grade or better

    Normal Offering Cycle: Spring

    Credits: 3
  • MTH 425 - Mathematical Modeling

    A study of the relationship between mathematics and other disciplines. Mathematical models for interesting and significant problems in these disciplines are constructed, analyzed and interpreted. Intensive use of computers and technology is an integral part of the class.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: R
    Prereq: MTH 201 with a C grade or better

    Credits: 3
  • MTH 457 - Curriculum Methodology: Inclusive Middle School and Senior High

    Special methods and techniques for teaching middle school and senior high mathematics, with emphasis on new methods and materials.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: M
    Prereq: MTH 201 with a C grade or better
    Field work required

    Normal Offering Cycle: Spring

    Credits: 3
  • MTH 479 - Student Teaching Middle School and Senior High

    The field-based practicum in Mathematics in middle school and senior high.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Normal Offering Cycle: Fall

    Credits: 6
  • MTH 485 - Independent Study

    Advanced study in mathematics through readings and tutorials in an area of mutual interest arranged by individual student with a faculty member.

    Credits: 3
  • MTH 486 - Independent Study

    Advanced study in mathematics through readings and tutorials in an area of mutual interest arranged by individual student with a faculty member.

    Credits: 3
  • MTH 499 - Senior Comprehensive Examination

    Senior Comprehensive Examination

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: A

    Normal Offering Cycle: Spring

    Credits: 0

Multicultural Studies

  • MCS 444 - Senior Seminar

    Analysis of selected multicultural issues through integration of theoretical and substantive material and synthesis of liberal arts perspectives. Emhasis on discussion and student participation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    15 hours in multicultural studies

    Credits: 3


  • ENS 080 - Concert Band

    A campus-wide instrumental group which welcomes qualified Nazareth students from all disciplines. Audition required.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BGO

    Credits: 0.5
  • ENS 081 - Concert Choir

    A campus-wide vocal ensemble for both men and women, with concerts each semester. Audition required.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BGO

    Credits: 0.5
  • ENS 082 - Orchestra

    A full orchestra open to all qualified Nazareth students upon successful completion of audition.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BGO

    Credits: 0.5
  • ENS 083 - Chamber Players: Strings

    A select instrumental group, open campus-wide to qualified students. Audition required.

    Credits: 0
  • ENS 084 - Chamber Choir

    A select vocal group, open campus-wide to qualified students. Audition required.

    Credits: 0.5
  • ENS 085 - Chamber Players: Guitar

    Gives classical guitar students an opportunity to play ensemble music for guitar duet, trio and quartet, as well as music for guitar with other instruments.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BGO

    Credits: 0
  • ENS 086 - Opera Workshop

    Concepts of opera as an art form through actual production scenes from operas of various periods in history.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BGO

    Credits: 0
  • ENS 087 - Jazz Ensemble

    A select large instrumental ensemble, open to all qualified students. Improvisation skills required for rhythm section instruments, encouraged but not required for other instruments.

    Credits: 0
  • ENS 088 - Jazz Combo

    A select small instrumental ensemble open to a limited number of qualified students. Improvisation skills required.

    Credits: 0
  • ENS 089 - Chamber Players: Percussion

    Open to qualified students upon audition.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BGO

    Credits: 0
  • ENS 090 - Chamber Players: Clarinet/Saxophone

    Performing group open to all clarinetists and saxophonists by audition.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BGO

    Credits: 0
  • ENS 091 - Chamber Players: Piano

    Ensemble experience for pianists, Features study in piano duos, trios and quartets, vocal accompanying,  chamber music. Required for piano primaries; open to other qualified students upon audition.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BGO

    Credits: 0
  • ENS 092 - Chamber Players: Brass

    Open to qualified students upon audition.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BGO

    Credits: 0
  • ENS 093 - Chamber Players: Flute

    Open to qualified students upon audition.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BGO

    Credits: 0
  • ENS 094 - Lab Ensemble

    A co-requisite with Conducting I (MUS 371) and Conducting II (MUS 372), this course provides conducting opportunities for choral and instrumental conducting students.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AFJ
    Coreq: MUS 372

    Credits: 0
  • ENS 095 - Vocal Jazz Ensemble

    A highly select ensemble vocal group, open campus wide to qualified students. Audition required.

    Credits: 0
  • MUG 096 - Vocal Studio

    Weekly repertoire class for vocal primary students.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Required for music majors with voice as their primary instrument.

    Credits: 0
  • MUG 097 - The Feldenkrais Method for Performers

     This course serves as an introduction to the Feldenkrais Method, a self discovery process using movement. It’s aim is to produce an individual organized to perform with maximum effort and maximum efficiency. Students are taught through group “Awareness Through Movement” (ATM).

    Credits: 1
  • MUG 098 - Piano Studio

    Weekly memorized performances for peers and faculty; the development of memorization skills, strategies for performance security, repertoire.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Required for music majors with piano as their primary instrument.

    Credits: 0
  • MUG 131 - Piano Class I

    Piano as a secondary concentration for music majors, emphasizing sight-reading and harmonization of folk and jazz melodies; pieces from Baroque to contemporary; technical studies coordinated with the fundamentals of theory and musical form.

    Credits: 1
  • MUG 132 - Piano Class II

    Piano as a secondary concentration for music majors, emphasizing sight-singing and harmonization of folk and jazz melodies; pieces from Baroque to contemporary; technical studies coordinated with the fundamentals of theory and musical form.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AFS
    Additional course fee required.

    Credits: 1
  • MUG 141 - Voice Class I

    Voice as secondary concentration for music majors.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AFS

    Credits: 1
  • MUG 142 - Voice Class II

    Voice as secondary concentration for music majors.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AFS
    Additional course fee required.

    Credits: 1
  • MUG 206 - Beginning Piano Class for Non-Majors

    Piano for non-majors with or without previous experience. Includes technique, harmonization, sight-reading and repertoire study. (Offered Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Additional course fee required.

    Credits: 1
  • MUG 207 - Beginning Class Piano II for Non-Majors

    Continuation of MUG 206. Includes technique, theory, harmonization, sight-reading, improvisation and repertoire study. Ability to sight-read music in both treble and bass clefs is required. This course may be repeated for credit. (Offered Fall, Spring)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 1
  • MUG 208 - Voice Class for Non-Majors

    Designed for the non-music major. The art of singing is experienced by the individual student at his/her own level, through the use of appropriate solo and ensemble literature. This course may be repeated.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 1
  • MUG 231 - Piano Class III

    Piano as a secondary concentration for music majors, emphasizing sight-reading and harmonization of folk and jazz melodies; pieces from Baroque to contemporary; technical studies coordinated with the fundamentals of theory and musical form.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 1
  • MUG 232 - Piano Class IV

    Piano as a secondary concentration for music majors, emphasizing sight-reading and harmonization of folk and jazz melodies; pieces from Baroque to contemporary; technical studies coordinated with the fundamentals of theory and musical form.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AFS
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 1
  • MUG 281 - Guitar Techniques I

    Designed to enable students to accompany themselves and to lead others in the singing of simple folk and popular songs, progressing from simple strumming and finger picking to more advanced accompaniment patterns, transposition and the use of the capo.

    Credits: 1
  • MUG 282 - Guitar Techniques II

    Designed to enable students to accompany themselves and to lead others in the singing of simple folk and popular songs, progressing from simple strumming and finger picking to more advanced accompaniment patterns, transposition and the use of the capo.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: FS
    Prereq: MUG 281
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 1
  • MUG 331 - Functional Piano I

    Concentration on fundamental keyboard skills necessary for improvisation and realizing lead sheets.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: FH
    Prereq: MUG 232 or equivalent.  Additional course fee required

    Credits: 1
  • MUG 332 - Functional Piano II

    Group piano techniques and apprenticeship in class piano.

    Credits: 1
  • MUG 333 - Keyboard Score-Reading

    Instruction in the basic skills of reading vocal and orchestral scores at the keyboard; work with various clefs and transpositions; reduction of open-score layouts to keyboard style.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUG 232 or equivalent

    Credits: 1
  • MUP 2A - Performance Secondary Voice

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 019 - Concert Attendance

    Required of all music majors registered for 10 credit hours or more.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AF

    Credits: 0
  • MUS 099 - Freshman Orientation

    Credits: 0
  • MUS 101 - PI The Way of Music

    (Perspectives I course) An introduction to the way in which music is made, both physically and aesthetically; a study of the role of music in human history, with special emphasis on Western civilization.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: NR

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 102 - PII The Language of Music

    (Perspectives II course) Course explores the various parameters of music syntax and the theoretical foundations of music. Developing a fluency in the language of music, the student will learn the interrelationship of music tones in the theoretical side of the art and science of sound. Course is designed for non-music majors.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BGR
    Prereq: any PI in Fine Arts

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 103 - Advanced Fundamentals of Music

    This course further develops the material of Mus 102. Includes an introduction to the structural organization of music and music analysis. Includes sight-singing and ear-training.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 104G - PI Introduction to World Music

    (Perspectives I course) In this course, the musics of various non-Western cultures will be explored, with an emphasis on the technical, cultural, and aesthetic aspects of those repertoires.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Code: N

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 121 - Rudiments for Majors

    The elements of music, notation of pitch and rhythm, medodic and rhythmic comprehension and perception.  The structural organization of music.  Designed for the music major who needs pre-work in music theory.  Intensive work in the stages of sight-singing and ear training. Does not count toward completion of the requirement for the music degree.(Fall term only)

    Credits: 1.5
  • MUS 122 - Rudiments of Sight-Singing and Ear Training

    Continuation of developmental work in the elements of music, notation of pitch and rhythm, medodic and rhythmic comprehension and perception.  The structural organization of music.  Designed for the music major who needs pre-work in music theory.  Continuation of intensive work in the stages of sight-singing and ear training. Does not count toward completion of the requirement for the music degree.(Spring term only)

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 123 - Music Theory I

    Courses devoted to the study of the materials and structure of music; nomenclature for intervals, chords, progressions, basic forms; fundamentals of part writing and harmonic analysis.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 124 - Music Theory II

    Courses devoted to the study of the materials and structure of music; nomenclature for intervals, chords, progressions, basic forms; fundamentals of part-writing and harmonic analysis.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ACG

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 125 - Sight Singing/Ear Training I

    Weekly laboratory experience in sight-singing and ear training.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 126 - Sight-Singing/Ear Training II

    Weekly laboratory experience in sight-singing and ear training.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ACG

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 203 - PII Jazz: an American Art Form

    (Perspectives II course) An introduction to jazz music and to the history of the American social environment in which it grew, from 1890 to the present; the characteristics, history, styles and key personalities in jazz along with a look at the role of jazz in society. No background in music is required. Some music rudiments are studied at the outset of the course.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    any Perspective I course in Fine Arts

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 204 - PII America’s Music

    (Perspectives II course) This course will explore the rich variety of music which has accompanied the founding and subsequent development of America. Divided into three sections, the course covers the gamut from the music used by the early Puritans through the works of Copland and Gershwin and other composers of the last half-century.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    any Perspective I course in Fine Arts

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 205 - PII Women in Music

    (Perspectives II course) A historically-based discussion of female composers, performers, and patrons from the Middle Ages to the present day. A wide variety of styles, genres, and cultural themes will be discussed, including the impact of Women’s Studies on music-making and music history.Coursework will consist of class discussion, listening and repertoire identification, class presentations, and one research paper.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    any Perspectives I course in Fine Arts
    Women’s Studies Minor Course

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 211 - History and Literature of Music I

    An introduction to the methods and materials of historical study, as well as a survey of the repertoire, styles, genres, performance practices, and cultural contexts of Western art music from the Middle Ages to c. 1750. Coursework will consist of class discussion, listening, small research projects and assignments, and one term paper on a topic of the student’s choice (with approval of the instructor). Much emphasis will be placed on written communication skills.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 212 - History and Literature of Music II

    A survey of the repertoire, styles, genres, performance practices, and cultural contexts of music from 1750 to the mid-20th century. Coursework will consist of class discussion, listening, small research projects and assignments, and one term paper on a topic of the student’s choice (with approval of the instructor). Writing intensive credit in the major area.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 213 - Introduction to Music Bibliography

    This course will provide a hands-on experience with the standard major reference works in musicology and with the major scholarly journals.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 221 - Introduction to Electronic Music

    An introduction to the methods and techniques used in the creation of electronic music; hands-on experience in the electronic lab through creative assignments.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: CGS
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 223 - Music Theory III

    Historically oriented analysis of the style characteristics of major Western composers from Baroque to modern; advanced study of harmony and form, leading to the advent of 20th-century styles.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 223L - Theory Technology Lab

    Required with MUS 223.

    Credits: 0
  • MUS 224 - Music Theory IV

    Historically-oriented analysis of the style characteristics of major Western composers from Baroque to modern; advanced study of harmony and form, leading to the advent of 20th-century styles.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ACG

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 225 - Sight Singing/Ear Training III

    Continuation of freshman laboratory experience in sight-singing and ear-training.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 226 - Sight Singing/Ear Training IV

    Continuation of the freshman laboratory experience in sight singing and ear training.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 227 - Aural Training: SS and ET

    Course designed to provide additional aural training for those who have completed the second-year sight-singing and ear-training course. Emphasis on traditional ear/eye skills such as interval and melodic singing and dictation. Required of all students who have not successfully completed the Sight-Singing Proficiency Exam at the end of the sophomore year and all transfer students who are weak in these skills.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: F

    Credits: 0
  • MUS 243 - Diction I

    Symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) as it is used by singers with applications to the reading of texts in the Italian language as well as texts in English.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 244 - Diction II

    Instruction in the reading of texts in German through the use of IPA symbols. Emphasis on poets who were used by standard lieder composers.

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 272 - Introduction to Conducting

    Introduction to the basics of conducting simple beat patterns, releases, cues, fermati, tempo variation and control. Conducting of simple composition, both vocal and instrumental.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AFH

    Credits: 1
  • MUS 305 - PII Introduction to Opera

    (Perspectives II course) Course will view all or part of several operas from the eighteenth to the twentieth century, with emphasis on dramatic and musical styles and on the historical, social and cultural conditions portrayed and the interaction of the many components of opera.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: NRT
    Prereq: any PI in Fine Arts

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 308 - PII Music and Poetry

    (Perspectives II course) A cross-disciplinary study of the interrelationships between music and poetry.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    a Perspectives I course in Literature and in Fine Arts

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 309 - PII Literature and Music of Germany

    (Perspectives II course) A cross-discipline course that investigates German literature and German music and its influence on as well as interactions with the other cultures of Europe. Students taking this course must also sign up for the study tour to Europe in which elements studied in class are experienced as a primary source.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 311 - Survey of Song Literature I

    A survey of vocal literature for solo voice in Western culture. Emphasis on the over-all output for solo voice in art forms, interpretation of texts, and problems in diction; incorporates training for independence in repertoire planning; special emphasis on details of the most significant Lieder and Melodie composers.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 312 - Survey Song Literature II

    A survey of vocal literature for solo voice in Western culture. Emphasis on the overall output for solo voice in art forms, interpretation of texts, and problems in diction; incorporates training for independence in repertoire planning; special emphasis on details on the most significant Lieder and Melodie composers.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 313 - Keyboard Literature I

    A brief history of keyboard instruments; a study of the pianist’s standard repertoire from the Baroque to the present including stylistic analysis and discussion of performance practices and problems.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 314 - Keyboard Literature II

    A brief history of keyboard instruments; a study of the pianist’s standard repertoire from the Baroque to the present including stylistic analysis and discussion of performance practices and problems.

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 315 - Instrumental Music History & Literature

    Readings and study of standard literature appropriate to the instrument; also included will be performance and listening assignments. Study of performance practices, aesthetic values, technical problems, and formal structure. (Independent Study).

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 316G - PII Introduction to World Music

    (Perspectives II Global course) Surveys styles and genres of world music with references to social, cultural and historical contexts. Through guided listening, students sample various non-Western classical music as well as native and folk music around the world.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    any Perspectives I course in Fine Arts

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 321 - Orchestration/Arranging

    Study and practice of writing for instrumental ensembles with special emphasis on the practical problems in arranging for school band and orchestra.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AFJ
    Prereq: MUS 224

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 322 - Jazz Theory

    Study of the tonal and rhythmic elements of jazz improvisation in which jazz harmony is related to traditional studies of harmony as well as current jazz methods. Attention is given to writing as a means of developing solos, tunes, and short arrangements, and improvisation sessions are regularly held.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 224

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 323 - Counterpoint I

    Introduction to the basic principles of counterpoint, focusing on species exercises and the background counterpoint of modal music.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 224 or equivalent

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 324 - Counterpoint II

    Continuation of Mus 323, developing skills in writing three- and four-voice imitative textures in 18th-century style.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    MUS 323

    Credits: 3
  • MUS 325 - Composition I

    An introduction to the art of composing with a focus on developing skills in creatively manipulating the materials of music.

    Credits: 1

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