Sep 27, 2024  
2006-2007 Undergraduate Catalog 
2006-2007 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course List



  • ENGW 351L - Technical and Professional Writing Computer Lab

    Required computer lab taken with ENGW 351. Teaches the computer and information technology software integral to technical and professional writing and information design. Includes MS Word, PageMaker, Photoshop, Powerpoint, Pagemill.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABH
    Coreq: ENGW 351

    Credits: 0
  • ENGW 376 - Creative Writing: Prose

    Fiction and non-fiction prose will be explored both by reading great practitioners as well as engaging in personal, creative explorations of the forms (short story, essay, memoir, and journalistic writing). Workshop formats, portfolios, peer critiquing and public readings will be some of the methods used in this course.

    Credits: 3
  • ENGW 377 - Creative Writing: Playwriting

    After a brief introduction to structure, students in this class actively engage in the writing process. Students will begin by writing simple conversations, then progress to dialogue, incident and scene structure; finally they will write a twenty to thirty minute one-act play. Critical thinking is an integral part of the evaluative component of the class. Students are expected to thoughtfully and carefully respond to each other’s developing work. One text required.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BHR
    Cross-listed with THA 377

    Credits: 3
  • ENGW 378 - Creative Writing: Poetry

    Forms of poetry will be explored by examining great practitioners as well as engaging in personal, creative explorations of the forms. Workshop formats, portfolios, peer critiquing and public readings will be some methods used in this course.

    Credits: 3

Environmental Science

  • ENV 450 - Environmental Science Seminar

    A reading-tutorial course involving an in-depth exploration of selected topics in environmental science. The student will examine contemporary topics such as energy, pollution, populations, wildlife management, conservation, and related social issues.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AFGH
    Prereq: BIO 330
    Required for Environmental Science majors

    Credits: 1.5
  • ENV 451 - Environmental Science Seminar

    Students will develop and complete either a laboratory/field-based or a literature-based research investigation, culminating in a formal presentation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prereq: BIO 330 (A full year course with credit given after the completion of ENV 451)
    Required for Environmental Science majors

    Credits: 1.5
  • ENV 454 - Field Study

    Field work in which experience is gained by direct application of theory and skills in the area of environmental science. The field experience may include a research project, internship, or a field course at a field station. A complete description and list of past projects may be obtained from the program director.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prereq: BIO 330/330L

    Credits: 4
  • ENV 499 - Environmental Science Comprehensive

    Typically satisfied by successful completion of the GRE Achievement Test in Biology or the Major Field Test in Biology.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    All Environmental Science majors must enroll in this course during the spring semester of their senior year.

    Credits: 0


  • FRN 101 - Elementary French I

    Beginning level work in the language. Practice in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Emphasis on communicative proficiency. Introduction to the basic vocabulary, expressions and structures of French and to the culture of French-speaking countries.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BCR
    Consultation with dept required

    Credits: 3
  • FRN 102 - Elementary French II

    Beginning level work in the language. Practice in speaking , listening, reading and writing. Emphasis on communicative proficiency. Introduction to the basic vocabulary, expressions and structures of French and to the culture of French-speaking countries.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BCR
    Prereq: FRN 101

    Credits: 3
  • FRN 103 - Intermediate French I

    Intermediate level work in the language, adding more extensive practice in the four basic language skills. A review of the grammar. Continued emphasis on communicative proficiency. Expansion of the study of French cultures.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: FRN 101 FRN 102

    Credits: 3
  • FRN 104 - Intermediate French II

    Intermediate level work in the language, adding more extensive practice in the four basic language skills. A review of the grammar. Continued emphasis on communicative proficiency. Expansion of the study of French cultures.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BCR
    Prereq: FRN 101, FRN 102

    Credits: 3
  • FRN 201 - Advanced Composition and Conversation I

    Extensive exercises in writing and speaking. Review of finer points of grammar. Development of oral expression and aural comprehension in everyday French.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABR
    Prereq: FRN 104

    Credits: 3
  • FRN 202 - Advanced Composition and Conversation II

    Extensive exercises in writing and speaking. Review of finer points of grammar. Development of oral expression and aural comprehension in everyday French.

    Credits: 3
  • FRN 203 - The Francophone World I

    A study of France and the Francophone countries in their geographical, economic, political, and cultural aspects. For students with three years of foreign language study or departmental approval.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABR
    Prereq: FRN 202

    Credits: 3
  • FRN 204G - The Francophone World II

    (Global course) A study of France and the Francophone countries in their geographical, economic, political, and cultural aspects. For students with three years of foreign language study or departmental approval.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Multicultural Studies Minor Course

    Credits: 3
  • FRN 301 - 17th Century French Classicism

    An exploration of the human confrontation between passions and rules in 17th century French literature. The triumph of classical aesthetics in Moliere, Racine, and Corneille.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABR
    Prereq: FRN 202 or FRN 204

    Credits: 3
  • FRN 302 - 18th Century French Enlightenment

    The search for freedom in Voltaire, Beaumarchais, Diderot and Chaderlos de Laclos.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ACR
    Prereq: FRN 202, FRN 204

    Credits: 3
  • FRN 303 - PII French Theatre

    (Perspectives II course) Semiotic analysis of several plays and a production of one French play. Course will enhance communicative abilities of students and reinforce their mastery of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BCRT
    Prereq: any PI in Literature

    Credits: 3
  • FRN 307 - Commercial French I

    An advanced language and area studies course, specializing in the terminology of business, economic structure, import-export trade, reports and business correspondence.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR

    Credits: 3
  • FRN 308 - Commercial French II

    An advanced language and area studies course, specializing in the terminology of business, economic structure, import-export trade, reports and business correspondence.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BCGR
    Prereq: FRN 307

    Credits: 3
  • FRN 310 - Special Topics in French Studies

    Development of a literary topic, movement or genre from the French speaking world. Readings and analysis will use a number of theoretical and methodological frameworks. Sample topics include: short story, feminist literature, gay and lesbian literature, French cinema.

    Credits: 3
  • FRN 312 - Advanced Grammar and Stylistics

    Advanced language and grammar course specializing in in-depth study of grammatical structures, stylistics and translation with extensive exercises in writing.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BCR

    Credits: 3
  • FRN 401 - 19th Century: Ideal and Reality

    A study of humanity facing “le mal du siecle” through the perspectives of romanticism, naturalism, realism, symbolism and parnassianism.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABR

    Credits: 3
  • FRN 402 - 20th Century: Literary Trends

    Attempts to define the “Moi” in Sartre, Gide, Genet, Duras and Tahar Ben Jelloun. The new literary criticism from structuralism to semiotics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABC
    Women’s Studies Minor Course

    Credits: 3
  • FRN 457 - Curriculum Methodology Middle School and Senior High

    Methods, materials and techniques of modern language teaching emphasizing current language objectives. Observation component required.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: FIM
    50-hours of field participation required

    Credits: 3 (Spring Only)
  • FRN 479 - Student Teaching Middle School and Senior High

    The field-based practicum in French.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: FIJM
    Prereq: FRN 457
    Bloodborne Pathogen training required

    Credits: 6 (Fall Only)
  • FRN 485 - Independent Study

    By invitation of the department. Special literary or linguistic problems under the direction of a member of the language staff.

    Credits: 3
  • FRN 486 - Independent Study

    By invitation of the department. Special literary or linguistic problems under direction of a member of the language staff.

    Credits: 3
  • FRN 499 - French Comprehensive

    Credits: 0

Freshman Seminar

  • FRS 101 - Freshman Seminar

    Seminar will involve regular reading, writing and discussion about contemporary issues. the course will include some research and some out-of-class activities.

    Credits: 3


  • GEO 101G - PI Intro to Geography

    (Perspectives I Global course) Introduction to how geographers look at the world and the tools they use to analyze how people, material resources, ethnic conflict, ideas and power are spatially distributed on the earth’s surface.

    Credits: 3
  • GEO 102G - PI Cultural Geography

    (Perspectives I Global course) A study of the cultural diversity throughout the world through the examination of the methods, concepts, and theories used in geography to explore such topics as socio-cultural boundaries, cultural diffusion, cultural ecology, and cultural landscape.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Multicultural Studies Minor Course

    Credits: 3


  • BER 300 - Berlin Study Abroad Program

  • GER 101 - Elementary German I

    Language learning at the beginning level. Practice in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Emphasis on communicative proficiency. Introduction to the basic vocabulary, expressions and structures of German and to the culture of German speaking countries. Includes a language lab component.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BCR
    Consultation with dept required

    Credits: 3
  • GER 102 - Elementary German II

    Continuation of beginning level in the language. Practice in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Emphasis on communicative proficiency. Introduction to the basic vocabulary, expressions and structures of German and to the culture of German-speaking countries. Includes a language lab component. 

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BCR
    Prereq: GER 101

    Credits: 3
  • GER 103 - Intermediate German I

    Intermediate level work in the language, adding more extensive practice in the four basic language skills: speaking; listening; reading; writing. Includes a short review of the grammar covered in 101-102 levels. Continued emphasis on communicative proficiency.  Expansion of the study of German cultures. Includes a language lab component. 

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: GER 101, GER 102 or department approval

    Credits: 3
  • GER 104 - Intermediate German II

    Continuation of intermediate level work in the language, adding more extensive practice in the four basic language skills: speaking; listening; reading; writing. Includes a short review of the grammar covered in 101-102 levels. Continued emphasis on communicative proficiency. Expansion of the study of German cultures.  Includes a language lab component.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BCR
    Prereq: GER 101 GER 102 or department approval

    Credits: 3
  • GER 201 - Advanced Composition and Conversation I

    Extensive exercises in speaking and writing. Overview of the major elements of German language structures. Development of oral expression and aural comprehension in everyday German language. Includes a language lab component. 

    Credits: 3
  • GER 202 - Advanced Composition and Conversation II

    Continuation of extensive exercises in speaking and writing. More advanced practice of German language structures. Development of oral expression and aural comprehension in everyday German language. Includes a language lab component. 

    Credits: 3
  • GER 203 - The German Cultural World I

    An introductory study of the German culture from the beginnings to the Enlightenment.  Includes a panoramic view of geography, history, art, music, literature, architecture and political-social developments.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABR

    Credits: 3
  • GER 204 - The German Cultural World II

    An introductory study of the German culture from the Enlightenment to the modern era.  Includes a panoramic view of geography, history, art, music, literature, architecture and political-social developments.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Three years of foreign language study or departmental approval

    Credits: 3
  • GER 302 - Survey 20th Century German Literature

    Major periods and trends of German literature from Expressionism to the present. Representative works in several genres.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABR

    Credits: 3
  • GER 303 - 19th Century Idealism and Realism

    The spirit of German Romanticism and Realism from all genres as reflected in Kleist, Hoffmann, H�lderlin, Goethe, Stifter, Keller, Meyer, Fontane, Storm, Nietzsche. The cultural-political worlds of reactionism and democracy, nationalism and bourgeois life.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABRT

    Credits: 3
  • GER 305 - Enlightenment to Classicism

    Selected 18th century works of prose, poetry, drama and literary theory. Works by Gottsched, M. Mendelssohn, Lessing, Herder, Goethe, Schiller and others. Investigation of discussions about art, good taste, aesthetics and the later search for social improvement and the perfect society, preludes to revolution.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABR

    Credits: 3
  • GER 307 - Commercial German I

    The first half of an advanced language and area studies course sequence specializing in the terminology of business, the understanding of economic structures, import-export trade, the writing of reports and business correspondence and the practice of international German business, focusing on macroeconomics. Preparation for an international business exam, the Pr�fung Wirtschaftsdeutsch International or the Zertifikat Deutsch f�r den Beruf, to be written at the end of the two course sequence, GER 307-308.

    Credits: 3
  • GER 308 - Commercial German II

    The second half of an advanced language and area studies course sequence specializing in the terminology of business, the understanding of economic structures, import-export trade, the writing of reports and business correspondence and the practice of international German business, focusing on microeconomics. The writing of an international business exam, the Prfung  Wirtschaftsdeutsch International or the Zertifikat Deutsch fr den Beruf, completes the two course sequence, GER 307-308. 

    Credits: 3
  • GER 310 - Special Topics in German Studies

    Development of a literary topic, genre or cultural movement from the German speaking world.  Readings and analysis will use a number of theoretical and methodological frameworks.  Sample topics include: short story, feminist literature; immigrant literature; literature of a divided Germany, 1949-1989; German culture in European contexts; Post-Wall literature. 

    Credits: 3
  • GER 312 - Advanced Grammar and Stylistics

    An advanced language and grammar course specializing in in-depth study of grammatical structures, stylistics and translation with extensive exercises in writing.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv. Codes: BGR

    Credits: 3
  • GER 457 - Curriculum Methodology Middle School and Senior High

    Methods, materials and techniques of modern language teaching, current language objectives.  A required observation component is included. 

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: FIM
    35-hours of field participation required

    Credits: 3 (Spring Only)
  • GER 479 - Student Teaching Middle School and Senior High

    The field-based practicum in teaching German.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: FIJM
    Prereq: GER 457
    Bloodborne Pathogen training required

    Credits: 6 (Fall Only)
  • GER 483 - German Internship

    Credits: 3
  • GER 485 - Independent Study

    By invitation of the department. Special literary, cultural or linguistic problems under the direction of a member of the department staff. 

    Credits: 3
  • GER 486 - Independent Study

    By invitation of the department. Special literary, cultural or linguistic problems under the direction of a member of the department staff.

    Credits: 3
  • GER 499 - German Comprehensive

    Credits: 0


  • HIS 101 - PI Western Civilization I

    (Perspectives I course) The cultural, political and social highlights of European civilization from Ancient Greece to the late Middle Ages.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABR

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 102 - PI Western Civilization II

    (Perspectives I course) The cultural, political and social highlights of European civilization from the late Middle Ages through the Age of Napoleon.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABR

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 103 - PI Western Civilization III

    (Perspectives I course) The highlights of European history from the age of Metternich into the travails of the 20th century.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABR

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 106G - PI Asian Civilization I

    (Perspectives I Global course)  A study of significant events and topics in Asian culture.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABR

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 107G - PI Asian Civilization II

    (Perspectives I Global Course) The cultural, social, and political highlights of East Asian civilizations from the start of the seventeenth century to the late twentieth century.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABR

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 205 - PI American Republic I: Exploration Through Reconstruction

    (Perspectives I course) A study of significant events and topics in United States history to 1877.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABR

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 206 - PI American Republic II: Gilded Age to the Present

    (Perspectives I course) A study of significant events and topics in United States history since 1877.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABR

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 210G - PII Traditional China and Japan

    (Perspectives II Global course) Course examines the history and culture of China and Japan from pre-history to the 17th century with an emphasis on the political, social and intellectual foundations of traditional East Asian cultures.

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 212G - PII China and Japan

    (Perspectives II Global course) A comparative examination of the main cultural and political influences that shape the values, social roles and institution of these Asian societies.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prereq: a PII course in History
    Women’s Studies Minor Course
    Multicultural Studies Minor Course

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 301 - PII Ancient Greece

    (Perspectives II course) The social, political and cultural history of Ancient Greece from Bronze Age Minoan Crete to Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic era.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prereq: any PI in History
    Adv Codes: BR

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 302 - PII Ancient Rome

    (Perspectives II course) The social, political and cultural history of Roman civilization from Etruscan times to the end of the Western Roman Empire. Perspectives I course in History.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: any PI in History

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 304 - History of Law

    An intensive study of the historical development of law and legal studies in Western Europe, from Greco-Roman civilization to the early modern era.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ADV Codes: BR

    Cross-listed with PSC 304

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 305 - PII The American Presidency

    (Perspectives II course) The political and historical evolution of the office of the president from Washington to the present. Attention given to campaigns, elections, presidential leadership, politics of the Oval Office and the development of the powers of the president.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: any PI in History and Social Science
    Cross-listed with PSC 305

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 308 - PII United States Constitutional History

    (Perspectives II course) The American constitutional system as seen through significant judicial decisions and administrative policies, 1789 to the present.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: any PI in History and Social Science
    Cross-listed with PSC 308

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 309G - PII Conflict and Crisis in the Middle East

    (Perspectives II Global course) An introductory study of the region including its historical, religious and political background emphasizing various crises in the twentieth century.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    a Perspectives I course in History

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 310 - PII African American Experience

    (Perspectives II course) Examination of the major events, movements and individuals included in the African American experience from the seventeenth century through the Civil Rights Movement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: any PI in History
    Multicultural Studies Minor Course

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 311G - PII Latin America

    (Perspectives II course) Explores Indian, Hispanic and African cultures and the social and political patterns that emerge from the colonial into the modern period.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: any PI in History
    Multicultural Studies Minor Course

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 312G - PII Politics of Sub-Sahara Africa

    (Perspectives II Global course) An introduction to the complex problems which consume this region using selected case studies. Areas of inquiry include revolution, ethnic conflicts, hunger, and Africa’s role in international politics.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    a Perspectives I course in History
    Multicultural Studies Minor Course

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 314G - PII Imperial Russia, 1689-1917

    (Perspectives II Global course) Russian history through two centuries of Tsarism to the Bolshevik Revolution.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    a Perspectives I course in History

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 315G - PII Russia in the 20th Century

    (Perspectives II Global course) Domestic and external factors contributing to the Bolshvik experiment, the consequences under Stalin, and the post-World War II efforts at restructuring.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prereq: a Perspectives I course in History

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 316 - PII History of Science in America

    (Perspectives II Course) Study of Science and medicine in the United States and its impact on American values, behavior and institutions.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prereq: PI course in History.

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 317 - PII Technology in American Society

    (Perspectives II course) A study of technological development in modern America and its impact on American values, behavior and institutions.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: any PI in History

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 318 - PII Medieval Europe I

    (Perspectives II course) Cultural, political and religious history of continental Europe and England from Late Antiquity (c. 300 A.D.) to the Ottonian age (c. 1000 A.D.).

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: any PI in History
    Multicultural Studies Minor Course

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 319 - PII Medieval Europe II

    (Perspectives II course) Cultural, political, and religious history of continental Europe and England from the central Middle Ages (c. 1000) to the end of the Hundred Years’ War (1453).

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: any PI in History
    Multicultural Studies Minor Course

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 320 - PII American Women’s History

    (Perspectives II course) Historical experiences of American women from the colonial era through the Cold War; female reformers; suffrage; feminism; the relationship between women, work, family and gender roles.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: any PI in History
    Women’s Studies Minor Course

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 322 - PII Renaissance and Reformation Europe

    (Perspectives II course) The cultural, political and religious history of Western Europe from the era of the Italian Renaissance to the Protestant Reformation and Counter-Reformation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: any PI in History

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 323G - PII Native American I: Pre-Columbian America Through Removal

    (Perspectives II Global course) This course examines the history of Native Americans from pre-Colombian times through Removal. We will discuss the methods used by historians and anthropologists in studying the cultures of North America, and learn about the civilizations that existed on the continent before 1492. We will explore the contentious period of European colonization and “conquest” and how Native Americans dealt with the new challenges posed by the foundation and expansion of the United States.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: any PI in History
    Multicultural Studies Minor Course

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 324G - PII Native American II: Removal-Present

    (Perspectives II Global Course) This course examines the history of Native Americans from the end of the Removal Era through the present. We will discuss the methods used by historians and anthropologists in studying cultures of North America. We will explore the issues of United States expansionism and the Plains Wars, the early twentieth century (often called the nadir of American Indian history), and the revitalization that occurred throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. We will look at the changing legal status of Native Americans, their migrations to urban areas, and the contemporary issues of Indian gaming and other legal and economic concerns.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: any PI in History
    Multicultural Studies Minor Course

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 328 - China in the Twentieth Century

    Explores China as it moves from the traditional Imperial culture through the modernization efforts of Mao, Deng and Jiang.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 329G - PII Imperial China

    (Perspectives II Global course) Explores the major social, cultural and political developments in imperial China from 800 to 1800.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR

    Prereq: Any PI in History or Social Sciences.

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 330G - PII Women and Family in East Asia

    (Perspectives II Global Course)  This course examines the history of women and the family in East Asia (China, Japan, and Korea) from early classical texts to the present.  We will explore traditional kinship relations, the place, space, and behavior of women in society and culture, the evolution of gender roles and attitudes, and the contributions of women to life in the home and in the public arena.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: Any PI in History

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 342 - PII Civil War and Reconstruction

    (Perspectives II course) An examination of the causes, evolution and aftermath of the Civil War with an emphasis on the major figures and reform currents of the era.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: any PI in History

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 345 - New York State History

    This course will examine the history of New York State, from the pre-Columbian era through the present. Special attention will be paid to the religious, political, economic, and cultural history of the state. The New York City/Upstate divide (or perceived divide) will also be explored. Students will complete an independent research project of their own design.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: Any PI in History

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 346 - PII American People in the 20th Century

    (Perspectives II course) Political, economic, cultural, social and intellectual aspects of Modern America including the impact of war on American society.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: any PI in History

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 381 - Historical Methodology

    Examination of the concepts, skills and methods by which historians research, analyze, and write about historical events and issues. Required for all History majors.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Coreq: HIS 381L

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 381L - Historical Methodology Lab

    Lab to be used for periodic guest speakers and films. Required for all History majors.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Coreq: HIS 381

    Credits: 0
  • HIS 401 - PII Modern Revolutions

    (Perspectives II course) Investigates various forms of internal violence including such phenomena as rebellion, terrorism, and the anatomy of revolution.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: any PI in History and Social Science
    Cross-listed with PSC 401

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 402 - Europe and the World Since 1914

    The impact of two world wars upon the politics and civilization of Western Europe.

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 408 - PII The American Colonies

    (Perspectives II course) The founding and the political, cultural and social development of the original 13 colonies, 1607 to 1787.

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 409 - The American Revolution, 1765-1789

    The focus of this course will be the period of the American Revolution, including its origins, the course of the war, its aftermath, and the creation of the American republic.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: Any PI in History

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 410 - PII American Ethnic History

    (Perspectives II course) The study in historical perspective of major ethnic groups in American national life.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 411 - PII People, Issues and Ideas in America

    (Perspectives II course) American intellectual history focusing on a study of select people and movements from the colonial era to the 20th century.

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 412 - PII United States Foreign Policy

    (Perspectives II course) American diplomacy from 1776 to recent times.

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 421 - PII Tudor and Stuart England

    (Perspectives II course) England in the era of the Tudor and Stuart monarchs with an emphasis on the religious and constitutional crises of the 16th and 17th centuries.

    Credits: 3
  • HIS 457 - Curriculum Methodology Middle School and Senior High

    Methods of teaching history and social studies in the secondary schools. 35-hour observation component required.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: FM
    Prereq: 50 hours of field participation required

    Credits: 3 (Spring Only)

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