Sep 27, 2024  
2006-2007 Undergraduate Catalog 
2006-2007 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course List



  • SWA 101 - Elementary Kiswahili I

    Practice in speaking, listening, reading and writing at the beginning level work in the language. Emphasis on communicative proficiency. Introduction to the basic vocabulary, expressions and structures of Swahili and to the culture of African countries.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ADV Codes: BCR
    Consultation with dept. required

    Credits: 3
  • SWA 102 - Elementary Kiswahili II

    Practice in speaking, listening, reading and writing at the beginning level work in the language. Emphasis on communicative proficiency. Introduction to the basic vocabulary, expressions, and structures of Swahili and to the culture of African countries.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ADV Codes: BCR
    Prereq: SWA 101

    Credits: 3
  • SWA 103 - Intermediate Kiswahili I

    Intermediate level work in the language, adding more extensive practice in the four basic language skills. Continued emphasis on the grammar, on communicative proficiency, and on the study of African cultures.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ADV Codes: BR
    Prereq: SWA 102

    Credits: 3
  • SWA 104 - Intermediate Kiswahili II

    Intermediate level work in the language, adding more extensive practice in the four basic language skills. Continued emphasis on the grammar, on communicative proficiency, and on the study of African cultures.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    ADV Codes: BR
    Prereq: SWA 103

    Credits: 3

Theatre Arts

  • THA 105 - Dance Studio Class

    This is a Music Theatre Major core requirement. The student will take this Dance Studio course every semester and will gain dance experience in the following areas during their four year matriculation as a Music Theatre Major: ballet, jazz, tap and modern.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Course repeated each semester for four years or four total credits.
    Adv codes: ABS

    Credits: 0.5
  • THA 107 - Jazz Dance

    Credits: 0
  • THA 109 - Ballet

    Credits: 0
  • THA 120 - PI Introduction to Theatre Arts

    (Perspectives I course) Examination of theatre as an art form. Structural analysis of scripts and study of the creative steps in the production of a play. (Production lab option.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABPR
    THA majors must participate in the production concurrent with this course.
     Non-THA majors may participate on a space-available basis.

    Credits: 3
  • THA 125 - PI The Play’s the Thing

    (Perspectives I course) Course content framed around one or two scripts to be produced during the term. The historical, critical, and literary contexts of the scripts will be learned first-hand as each class member participates in the production process. (Production lab option.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: PRN

    Credits: 3
  • THA 140 - Fundamentals of Acting

    Beginning aspects of an actor’s training will be explored. This course will aid students in understanding the actor’s psychological and physical instrument and relationship to the script. Emphasis is placed on the development of credible and compelling in performance in contemporary drama.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABS
    Coreq: THA 140L

    Credits: 3
  • THA 140L - Fundamentals of Acting Lab

    All aspects of an actor’s training will be explored. This course will aid students in understanding the art of the actor.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABS
    Coreq: THA 140

    Credits: 0
  • THA 150 - Technical Theatre I

    Introductory work in areas of technical theatre: set construction, scene painting, stage lighting, stage properties and costumes. Forty-hour lab requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABPS
    Additional course fee required
    THA majors must participate in the production concurrent with this course.
     Non-THA majors may participate on a space-available basis.

    Credits: 3
  • THA 150L - Technical Theatre I Lab

    In order to better understand the area of technical theatre, all THA 150 students are required to complete a lab. This lab involves hands-on training and completion of hours in the scene shop where we train to build the scenery, construct costumes, prepare the lighting, and the rest of all scenic elements for the Department of Theatre Arts shows. Alternative methods of completing the lab include the backstage running of a show either on the deck with the scenery, running the light board or sound console, or on wardrobe crew to help the actors get dressed and complete their make-up.

    Credits: 0
  • THA 203 - PI Special Problems in Theatre

    (Perspectives I course) Occasional course offerings in specialized areas of theatre history, theory, acting, technical theatre, or touring production. Offered at various levels of difficulty.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Not open to THA majors.
    Adv Codes: BR

    Credits: 3
  • THA 204 - Special Problems in Theatre

    Occasional course offerings in specialized areas of theatre history, theory, acting, technical theatre, or touring production. Offered at various levels of difficulty.

    Credits: 3
  • THA 215 - Oral Interpretation

    The reading aloud of affective material (poetry, prose, dramatic passages). Attention is paid to textual analysis, to determining approaches to readings and to vocal expressiveness and physical involvement in the communication process.

    Credits: 3
  • THA 221 - Voice for the Stage

    Emphasis will be on freeing the physical instrument of tension, developing vocal resonance and clear articulation, followed by exploration of stage dialects.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BHS

    Credits: 3
  • THA 226 - PII Women in Theatre

    (Perspectives II course) Seminar which focuses on the artistic contributions of women to the genres of dance, film and primarily theatre.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: any PI in Fine Arts
    Women’s Studies Minor Course

    Credits: 3
  • THA 230 - PII History of Fashion

    (Perspectives II course) Study of the evolution of civil dress from the ancient Egyptians to the 20th century. The course traces changes in costume forms; identifies political, economic and social events which influenced fashion, and shows how the use of artistic elements in the design of clothing changed from one period to the next.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: any PI in Fine Arts

    Credits: 3
  • THA 232 - PII History of Period Styles

    (Perspectives II course) Survey of 2,000 years of architecture, decor and furnishings as they impinge upon theatrical production and design.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: any PI in Fine Arts

    Credits: 3
  • THA 233 - Costume Construction

    Basics of constructing costumes, including use of patterns, cutting, fittings and alterations, machine and hand work. (Lab requirement)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BPS
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 3
  • THA 235 - Stage Makeup

    Introduction to basic stage makeup techniques: character makeup; hair, mustaches and beards. (Lab requirement.)

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BS
    Additional course fee required

    Credits: 3
  • THA 237 - Stage Management

    Introductory studio course in the study and practice of managing the artistic elements of theatrical production, rehearsal and performance.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes BS
    Prereq: THA 150 or permission of instructor

    Credits: 3
  • THA 240 - Intermediate Acting: Characterization

    Course in character analysis and development with particular emphasis on comic technique.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BHS
    Prereq: THA 140 or permission of instructor
    Coreq: THA 240L

    Credits: 3
  • THA 250 - Technical Theatre II

    A continuation of Technical Theatre I. Forty-hour lab requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BPS
    Prereq: THA 150 or permission of instructor
    $40 lab fee to be collected

    Credits: 3
  • THA 270 - PII American Musical Theatre

    (Perspectives II course) The development of modern musical theatre from both a historical and structural perspective. The works of representative composers, lyricists, librettists and director-choreographers will be investigated in an effort to illuminate the form’s development.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: any PI in Fine Arts

    Credits: 3
  • THA 275 - PII History of the Theatre I

    (Perspectives II course) Study of the evolution of Western drama, theatrical styles and production modes from ancient to contemporary theatre forms with the Renaissance as the dividing line between the two semesters.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prereq: any PI in Fine Arts
    Adv Codes: ABR

    Credits: 3
  • THA 276 - PII History of the Theatre II

    (Perspectives II course) Study of the evolution of Western drama, theatrical styles and production modes from ancient to contemporary theatre forms with the Renaissance as the dividing line between the two semesters.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABR
    Prereq: any PI in Fine Arts

    Credits: 3
  • THA 280 - Music Theatre Performance

    This course will provide students with practical applications of dramatic, musical and choreographic techniques used in the Musical Theatre form and aid the student in the preparation of audition and performance materials by the integration of skills learned in vocal and dance technique class with performance elements learned in acting.

    Credits: 3
  • THA 303 - Special Problems in Theatre

    Occasional course offerings in specialized areas of theatre history, theory, acting, technical theatre, or touring production. Offering at various levels of difficulty.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BS
    Special/Selected Topics

    Credits: 3
  • THA 304G - Special Problems in Theatre

    (Perspectives II Global Course) This course will focus on all relevant aspects of Chinese culture as evolutionary factors, which affected the development of Chinese traditional and modern drama will be covered. The semester will be divided into several units which will focus on different types of drama, their historical background, scripts, music and acting styles, and also the connection between Chinese theatre and theatre of the West. This course is a combination of lecture, video viewing of the Chinese dramatic productions, and student presentations. There will be a midterm exam and a final exam. Prerequisite, any PI in Fine Arts

    Prerequisites & Notes
    any PI in Fine Arts

    Credits: 3
  • THA 321 - Movement for the Stage

    Emphasis will be on the student’s relationship to the body as well as tuning it and developing physical performance skills for stage work.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BS
    Prereq: THA 140 and one of the following Jazz Dance, Tap, Ballet, Yoga Juggling or Fencing

    Credits: 3
  • THA 322 - PII The Art of Film

    (Perspectives II course) The history and aesthetics of film and filmmaking; the distinctive qualities of film as an artistic medium.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR
    Prereq: any PI in Fine Arts

    Credits: 3
  • THA 330 - Scene Design

    Introductory study of scenic design which takes the student from the design concept to implementation with emphasis on research, design process and presentation skills.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AHS
    Additional supplies required

    Credits: 3
  • THA 331 - Lighting Design

    Introductory study of lighting for the stage from concept through implementation of the design. Emphasis placed upon design process, presentation and technical skills.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ACS
    Prereq: THA 150 or permission of instructor

    Credits: 3
  • THA 332 - Costume Design

    Introductory study of stage costume design which approaches clothing both as an artistic medium and as an expressive element within a production concept. Design problems in different periods, media and styles will be used to show how costumes help achieve chosen artistic and production objectives.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ACS
    Prereq: THA 150 or permission of instructor

    Credits: 3
  • THA 335 - Scene Painting

    A study of both traditional and non-traditional methods for painting scenery. Lab requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: GQS
    10-hours lab practicum required

    Credits: 3
  • THA 340 - Advanced Acting: Styles

    A course utilizing techniques and theories of acting. Students will study period styles of performance and dramatic literature and use them in scene study.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BHS
    Prereq: THA 140, THA 240, and permission of the instructor
    Coreq: THA 340L

    Credits: 3
  • THA 345 - Theatre Practicum

    Production, projects in performance, design or management for upper class students working under direct supervision of appropriate theatre faculty. Junior or senior standing and departmental permission required. May be taken for a total of four credits and will not fulfill upper-level elective requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv codes: FHS

    Credits: 1
  • THA 351 - Play Analysis

    Intensive reading and analysis of plays, emphasizing structural and theatrical problems.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ABR
    Prereq: THA 120

    Credits: 3
  • THA 353 - PII American Theatre

    (Perspectives II course) A study of the American theatre experience from an historical perspective and the development of an American style in acting and playwriting. Seminar format.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BR

    Credits: 3
  • THA 370 - PII Theatre in England

    (Perspectives II course) London-based course studying the history of British theatre. Students will attend theatrical productions, tour theatre facilities and attend lectures and critiques. Offered in summer sessions.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BGR
    Prereq: any PI in Fine Arts
    Multicultural Studies Minor Course

    Credits: 3
  • THA 375 - Principles of Play Directing

    Introduction to basic principles: determining production concepts and approaches to the dramatic material; deciding upon appropriate visual and oral patterns; and working with the actor, culminating in one-act productions.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: ACHR
    Prereq: THA 150, THA 240, THA 275, THA 276, THA 351 or permission of instructor

    Credits: 3
  • THA 377 - Playwriting

    A workshop course in the making of theatre scripts. Students will submit work on a project basis, which will be evaluated independently and/or in class. Course will be limited to 10.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BHR
    Prereq: THA 275 THA 276 THA 351 or permission of instructor
    Cross-listed with ENGW 377

    Credits: 3
  • THA 403 - Special Problems in Theatre

    Occasional course offerings in specialized areas of theatre history, theory, acting, technical theatre, or touring production. Offered at various levels of difficulty.

    Credits: 3
  • THA 404 - Special Problems in Theatre

    Occasional course offerings in specialized areas of theatre history, theory, acting, technical theatre, or touring production. Offered at various levels of difficulty.

    Credits: 3
  • THA 452 - Seminar in Theatre

    Group study of selected topics in the field of theatre and dramatic literature leading to preparation and execution of senior comprehensive projects and the comprehensive evaluation.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AFHR

    Credits: 3
  • THA 483 - Internship in Theatre

    Work with professional theatre companies and groups.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    permission of the instructor, a written proposal and acceptance by a professional theatre company

    Credits: 3
  • THA 485 - Independent Study

    Exploration of specific problems of interest to the Theatre Arts student. Written proposal and departmental approval required.

    Credits: 3
  • THA 486 - Independent Study

    Exploration of specific problems of interest to the Theatre Arts student. Written proposal and departmental approval required.

    Credits: 3
  • THA 499 - Senior Comprehensive Examination

    Senior Comprehensive Examination

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: AFI

    Credits: 0

Womens Studies

  • WMS 201 - Introduction to Women’s Studies

    (Perspectives II course) An introduction to the interdisciplinary field of women’s studies. This course explores feminist perspectives on women’s lives across cultures and over time and seeks answers to questions such as: What is gender inequality? Is patriarchy universal and inevitable? How are women’s experiences altered by race, social class, sexual orientation and other social differences? How can women and men, individually and collectively, contribute to positive social change?

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Women’s Studies Minor Requirement

    Credits: 3
  • WMS 300 - Special Topics in Women’s Studies

    Occasional course offering which considers a major issue in the field of Women’s Studies.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BHR

    Credits: 3
  • WMS 301G - PII Latin American Women Writing in the Margins: Theories of Gender and Sexuality

    See LIT 310G for description.      

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Cross-listed as LIT 310G
    Women’s Studies Minor Course

    Credits: 3
  • WMS 302 - PII Gender and Education


    Prerequisites & Notes
    Adv Codes: BHR
    Women’s Studies Minor Course

    Credits: 3
  • WMS 440 - Seminar in Feminist Theory

    Course looks at some critical books and essays that compose the theoretical underpinnings of the last twenty years in feminist theory. The seminar will raise issues and study different approaches to questions such as: women’s relationship to language; the social construction of knowledge; the history of patriarchal policies: the politics of women’s bodies; “mothering” as a concept and activity.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Women’s Studies Minor Requirement

    Credits: 3
  • WMS 485 - Independent Study

    Advanced study open to Juniors and Seniors arranged by individual student with a faculty member in an area of mutual interest.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Women’s Studies Minor Course

    Credits: 3

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